No, you still have it wrong. The entire die (CPU and GPU cores) is known as the APU. It consists of 4 CPU cores, 400 Radeon cores, 4MB of cache, a DDR3 memory controller and silicon to replace North Bridge functionality. This is a big step towards the system-on-a-chip paradigm that many integrators have been working towards.
For what you pay, this is an awesome package that would make you spend an additional $100 before you finally get kit that beats it hands down. Some would say that the CPUs are underpowered, but for most general computing use (i.e., email, web browsing, office applications), few people would notice the difference between the A8-3850 and more expensive solutions. And the more powerful graphics engine allows for light gaming that is not really possible with an 13 2100 using the built-in graphics engine.
For myself, I am enthused at the thought of a new HTPC built around this processor. I had considered one of the E series processors, but the A6 or A8 looks like a much more equitable solution, and for not a whole lot more money.