Question Is this a sign of my GPU dying?


Aug 26, 2016
I have a gtx 1080

I recently upgraded to a 32inch 2k resolution 165hz monitor. The screen would go black when playing Dragon age inquisition. I read online that this is probably my psu or gpu failing. I returned the monitor and got a new monitor that is 1080p 144hz.

The thing is, is that it had NEVER done that before with my older monitor that was 1080p, and that is why i find it odd. The screen does not turn black while using the computer normally.

I am wondering if it was the HDR feature doing that, even though i turned it off. I had a samsung t.v that did the same exact thing when playing HDR games, even if the setting was off.

Here is a video of what it is doing:

are there any suggestions or comments on this issue of what could be?
I am hoping it is not the gpu as it was very expensive and I wont be able to replace it.
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it could be hdmi cable, not enough bandwith
internet bandwith? I am sorry I dont know really what that entails in regards to a gpu.

I am using my display port, which I have never used before until this week.
With this new monitor, it has yet to do that except for Dragon age inquisition. I am wondering if it is just that particular game at this point.