4 years ago I bought 2 sets of 16 GB Corsair Vengeance RGB ram, that have the XMP profile to OC to 3000Mhz. But since I've bought those sticks, and 4 years later, I've had an issue with a random Black screen where the Screens go down, USB keyboard/mice lights go dark but the case fans, and lights on my AiO and Ram all stay lit. The first thing I have done was get a brand new Asus Prime X570-Prime from my previous board which was a ROG Strix X470-f Gaming board because at the time I thought I was having a chipset issue. But last night the issue came back again and today I've been doing testing on this ram 1 stick at a time, and so far 3 of the 4 sticks have failed the memory testing. But I have to ask, what are the astronomical chances of 2 sets of ram actually being defective? I called AMD and they felt that it couldn't be a CPU memory controller and felt it'd more likely to be ram issues. The only thing that gets me is, when I tried a set of Trident-Z Ram, granted it wasn't certified with the board, it too also failed the memtest86 test. So being realistic, who's at fault here? The CPU memory controller? Or was the memory just bad that year in 2018? I am at such a loss here and not being able to use my main workstation for what I need to is really frustrating.