Corsair mice have model specific issues.
Corsair Sabre RGB mice will produce, after ~1 year of usage, double- and triple-click issue on left click button, despite you only clicking it once.
It has happened with 3x Sabre RGB mice i've owned. Both me and missus used to use that mice. First one to develop this issue was mine (since mine was older). I RMA'd it. Got brand new as a replacement (under warranty). My 2nd one (from RMA) also developed the very same issue after ~1 year of usage. And missus'es Sabre RGB developed that very same issue as well, after ~1.2 year usage.
So, we ditched the Corsair Sabre RGB mice all together and now, we both are using Corsair Nightsword RGB mice.
Corsair Nightsword RGB mice, of course, has different model specific issue.
Namely, ~1 year of (heavy) usage, the middle button press won't register anymore. Scroll up/down works fine, but clicking the scroll button down, won't register. It has happened to 2x Nightsword RGB mice already. 1st one was again mine (since i use middle button a lot). RMAd it under warranty and got replacement. Since RMA takes time, i bought 2nd Nightsword RGB mice to use until RMA completes (can't use PC without mice). Now, the 2nd one has also developed the same fault. Middle button works sporadically. Since RMA was successful, i have 3rd, brand new, Nightsword RGB next to me, but i haven't had time to switch it out yet (since my 2nd one, more-or-less, still works). Missus'es Nightsword RGB hasn't developed this fault. Then again, my missus doesn't use middle button that often.
So, either RMA your Glaive RGB mice (if it still is under warranty) and get replacement Glaive RGB, whereby the same fault developing in the same span of time as with 1st mice (to confirm it to be model specific issue), or go with new model. Nightsword RGB would be something to consider.
I'd say it's wear-and-tear issue. Loosing sensitivity and registering it vice-versa.
I have Corsair Strafe RGB with Cherry MX Silent switches and mine has been in use since Q1 '17 (8 years old). And to set aside my own fault of spilling liquid on it and making the G button not work anymore (i've rebinded G to < key in iCUE), all other keys work fine.
Over the years, only few single key lightning issues have appeared. E.g red LED won't work under right Shift; discolor under A, F, C, M, left Alt, right CTRL (very easy to see when you put LEDs to white color).
I do have replacement KB as well, Corsair K100 RGB with Corsair OPX switches but i haven't bothered to replace it either.

My Strafe RGB KB still works, for the most part.
Missus has Corsair Strafe RGB MK.2 with Corsair MX Silent switches (bought her KB in Q3 '19, 6 years old now) and she hasn't reported any issues with her KB as of now.
Of course, Corsair headsets (namely Void Pro RGB USB and Void RGB Elite USB) have their own issues as well. Namely the cable, or the rubber insulating part of it, will deteriorate over time. My headset's cable (Void Pro) is patched up on several places and missuse's headset (Void Elite) also has one cable patch on it.
Again, i have replacement headset as well (Void Elite), but again, haven't bothered to change it, yet.
Other Corsair peripherals we have (ST100 RGB for both of us and MM800 RGB Polaris i have), haven't developed a fault over the years.
My main issue of not replacing my Corsair peripherals is due to the iCUE update bug. I'm currently running v4.24.193 but when i want to update it to v5.x, the automatic updater fails to do it, telling me that i have v3.14 installed that it can not remove. And update fails.
I can fix it by completely uninstalling iCUE and then installing v5.x, but this makes me loose all the custom macros and settings i have for my peripherals. Setting it all up is PITA, that i'd do once i've moved on to Win11 (or preferably Win12).
Most likely iCUE issue.
For my peripherals, lighting also sometimes glitches out. Since i have rainbow wave for my KB for the most of the times, and when iCUE itself crashes, the wave motion stops. So, i have to launch iCUE again.
But then again, Corsair SP120 RGB fans are old.
🤔 Released even before my Corsair ML120/140 Pro LED fans came out, that i'm running in my builds (full specs with pics in my sig). My oldest ML Pro LED fans are from Q1 '17. 0 issues with any of them, even years later.
Gave a quick look and original SP-series was released in 2015, while SP RGB-series was released in 2016.
All-in-all, nothing lasts for forever.