Question Issues with UPS and question regarding AVR

Apr 26, 2021
Hey, so about a month ago i had a UPS plugged into an extension cord (which i now found out was a wrong move) and i had a console plugged into that UPS. One day, i hear a little bang and i go to check and i see that the console was dead and the extension cord was also dead, but for some reason the UPS was working normally which was odd, so my question is why did the UPS not break? what could've caused this? Now since then i was thinking of investing in an AVR to prevent any irregular voltage outbreaks which i assume is what caused the last problem. So what i had in mind is to plug the UPS in to the AVR and plug the console in the UPS. now is that safe or will that cause issues? Things to keep in mind is that the UPS capacity is 1500, and the UPS that i have was supposed to be equipped with an AVR so i really dont know what happened. And lastly i was told that if i did want to get an AVR for the UPS, the AVR has to be double the capacity of the UPS, so if my UPS is 1500 the AVR should be 3000, is this true?
and the extension cord was also dead
huh? how? unless it caught fire it's really hard to 'kill' an extension cord, it's just a cable and 2 connectors

You should plug the UPS directly to the wall, no AVR. Extensions are fine IF the wire gauge of the extension is the same as in the UPS, it's usually written on the cable sleeving, measured in mm2, AWG or SWG.
huh? how? unless it caught fire it's really hard to 'kill' an extension cord, it's just a cable and 2 connectors

You should plug the UPS directly to the wall, no AVR. Extensions are fine IF the wire gauge of the extension is the same as in the UPS, it's usually written on the cable sleeving, measured in mm2, AWG or SWG.
Yup this is why it all seems strange, extension cord is dead and the xbox plugged into the UPS is also dead, but the UPS is still working which is weird, now i did get another console, wha would you recommend to just plug the UPS directly into the outlet and hope for the best or do i get a new UPS. also thank you