Question Jittering/Freezing Issue

Aug 23, 2022
Hi there,

Was hoping some of you would be able to help me identify an issue I've been having over the past couple days.

Not entirely sure how to explain it but games just feel Jittery and don't feel like they're running at their maximum frame rates and just generally feel like they're stuttering whether it be gaming or opening up a browser tab.

Usually this is fixed with a GPU update, which I did but unfortunately this time round it hasn't managed to solve it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Up to now I've updated drivers, reinstalled drivers, dusted out pc , tried to play around with various performance settings (vsync etc), and have also made sure the monitor hz is compatible with gpu.

I've attached a small clip below that shows the issues I'm having, many thanks.

Windows 10
I7-7700K 4.20GHz
NVIDIA GeForce 1060 6GB
ASUS Strix Z270F Gaming
Samsung Evo 250GB SSD
Okay so when I play around with the display settings and change to various refresh rates it does help, but obviously not a permanent solution.
Any idea where I should go from here?