I'm glad a thread surfaced like this.
Why? Because I have a profound respect for John Carmack and everything he's done for PC Gaming and programming in general, and I also get to see who all the idiots are on this forum in one convenient little spot.
I get to make the Naughty and Nice list for later dates when I can come out and clean up shop.
Just because you read articles on processor technology and bench-mark PC parts, doesn't mean you know jack squat about programming. Programming, quite simply, is the most difficult aspect of gaming. You spend hours and hours putting code together, just to see "Conflict" "Conflict" "Error" "Error" because of one or two wrong letters or figures.
Multi-core processing was convenient for Intel/AMD but inconvenient for software developers. "Hey I don't see us hitting 5 gigahertz cheaply on a single core. Let's just put two cores together and let those stupid developers deal with it." He's 100% right about how development in general would've been much easier with the gigahertz race than it is now. And don't say stupid **** like, "Well he just has to deal with it." No... YOU have to deal with it. Everyone does. When a conflict like this happens, where hardware manufacturers aren't listening to the most popular developers, you start to have things not working in sync.
Second -
No one can deny what he said about Vista and DX10. You need Vista to use DX10? All it has are upgraded shaders. What could possibly be so complicated about the shader technology that would require the necessity of an entirely different operating system? Windows XP has been called the most stable version of Windows ever.
Microsoft knew that people would need something more concrete than "increased security" and "visual upgrades" to need to upgrade to Vista, so they decided, "Hey let's make Direct X10 Vista-only".
He saw right through it, and guess what? When Quake Wars releases, people aren't going to be able to tell what the differences are between the shading in a DX9 game and a DX10 game, they'll only blindly say Crysis is better looking because they're on the whole DX10/8800/R600 bandwagon.
And for all of you talking trash, I seriously doubt anyone in this thread is some good looking model, and I'd take a guess that over 80% of the posters in this thread are over-weight unhealthy low-income slobs, so I don't get where you can post a picture of John Carmack and insult the man who single-handedly reconstructed PC Gaming to the level it is now.
Epic Games, EA Games, Sierra (Valve), Ubi Soft, Bungee... Wanna know what kinds of games they were making back when Doom came out? Quake?
Epic could make 3 more hit sellers like Gears of War and they wouldn't be able to touch the tip of how much John Carmack made off of Quake III Arena alone.
None of you would even be on this site doing anything PC related if it weren't for John Carmack. There just wouldn't have been a need for it. The best PC games people would be playing right now is Minesweeper 2007 if it weren't for Carmack.