Question Kernal_security_check_failure bluescreen sometimes whenever I play any game after plugging in new mouse

Jan 28, 2023
I accidentally spilt milk on my mouse a month or so ago and it wouldn't click right anymore, so I ordered exactly the same model off of Ebay to replace since it seemed to be discontinued. (iMICE x7).
My very new computer which is less then 6 months old since I built it from scratch myself (first time building a PC) has run as smooth as butter since day one and I've loved it, there's been no issues. But on the day I received this mouse in the mail and plugged it in, my computer has been acting up. I hopped onto VRChat with my Oculus rift s like I would any other day and played for about 4 hours and nothing happened. Then suddenly in the middle of a game, my computer bluescreened on me without warning. I did not get to see the error message by the time I lifted my headset, it had already restarted. So I went back in thinking nothing of it. Then only about 20 minutes later, VRChat instantly froze solid and crashed. Hoping it was just being weird I went in again, and then in less then 10 minutes it instantly froze and crashed. I went in again and it crashed in 5 minutes the same way. Progressively getting worse until it was crashing in 2 minutes flat.
Oculus had been trying to run an update in the background while I was playing so I let that finish plus updated my NVIDIA graphics driver. But that did not help anything. Eventually I gave up and tried looking for help, but it seemed absolutely no one else was having this issue so it couldn't be a VRChat update disagreeing with my computer. I checked the VRChat logs and got a multitude of different errors at the time of the crashes in each log. I have put them below in order.
2023.01.28 22:12:29 Error - Buffer already contains chain of id:19370517653
2023.01.28 22:12:29 Error - Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'
UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry: PerformUpdate()

^ First 3 crashes ^ (Very first crash bluescreened)
2023.01.28 22:51:13 Log - Grabbing - Chain:48884494554 Bone:0
2023.01.28 22:52:23 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 683.753235
2023.01.28 22:52:24 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
2023.01.28 22:52:24 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 684.100708, Update Interval: 350.324402
^ Fourth crash ^
2023.01.28 23:00:08 Log - HTTPFormUseage:UrlEncoded
2023.01.28 23:00:42 Exception - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ÏÌÏÌÌÍÏÌÏÌÎÎÎÎÌÌÌÎÍÏÏÏÏ.ÎÌÏÍÌÌÎÍÎÍÏÎÎÍÏÏÌÏÌÍÎÎÎ () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
at VRC.Networking.Pose.PoseAV3Update.ÏÍÌÎÎÍÌÏÎÎÍÎÍÏÏÍÌÍÏÏÌÏÎ () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0

^ Fifth ^
2023.01.28 23:12:00 Log - [Behaviour] Initialize ThreePoint Avatar (UnityEngine.Animator) VRCPlayer[Remote] 76369761 2 (ÏÏÏÏÌÏÌÎÏÍÏÏÎÎÏÌÎÌÏÌÍÍÎ) False Custom
2023.01.28 23:12:02 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 326.836182
2023.01.28 23:12:03 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
2023.01.28 23:12:03 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 327.228577, Update Interval: 351.060516
^ Sixth ^
2023.01.29 00:06:36 Error - Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 2016.000000, 0.000000, 1000.000000) (Camera rect 0 0 2016 2172)
VRC.SDKBase.VRC_MirrorReflection:RenderMirror(RenderTexture, Vector3, Quaternion, Matrix4x4)
2023.01.29 00:06:36 Error - Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 2016.000000, 0.000000, 1000.000000) (Camera rect 0 0 2016 2172)
VRC.SDKBase.VRC_MirrorReflection:RenderMirror(RenderTexture, Vector3, Quaternion, Matrix4x4)
^ Seventh ^ (bluescreened again)

After trying to look up answers and getting pretty much nowhere I asked VRChat reddit and only one person responded, asking me to check my computer's drivers which I updated the two I thought were important (oculus update and NVIDIA), or dust which there was none in the computer due to it being less then 6 months old and has a very good dust catcher on the front, and run a memtest. Which I tried. I downloaded memtest and formatted a USB drive with it on there, I tried to get into bios to boot my PC off of the USB since that's what memtest told me to do, but when I got to the boot menu I could only see Windows 10 option and then 3 of exactly the same options which I can't remember what they were but I didn't see any USB. Unless I'm looking in the wrong place. I am not very bios savvy. Or computer error savvy really.
After that night I was exhausted and upset and so I just went to bed. I woke up the next morning and had modded minecraft running and photoshop running and several firefox tabs running as I was messing around making skins for the game
nothing went wrong, it ran smoothly, not a single frame jump or anything. Butter.
Then my friend turned up and asked to play Satisfactory, to which I said sure, and we played for 45 minutes smoothly until suddenly exactly the same thing happened. It froze dead still out of nowhere and the game crashed, hoping it was a coincidence I went back in, and it crashed after loading into the game for less then a minute. Almost instant crash again, at this point I started mentally breaking down a bit. So I went back just to wait for it to crash again so I could get the error log, but this time it waited about 20 minutes before it bluescreened the whole computer again. But due to not being in VR I managed to catch the bluescreen error and it said Kernal_security_check_failure.
So with that I tried looking up how to fix that, I went to reddit and downloaded Outbye PC repair off wiki and tried to use that but then after scanning my PC it said I needed to pay to use it, which I am not made of money so I uninstalled it and tried looking around for more help. Some suggestions said to update windows, which I have done so. I scanned for updates and have restarted the PC, I haven't run either game to see if it fixed yet.
I also saw to type sfc/scannow into the command prompt. Which I did but got told by said command prompt that I needed to be an administrator despite the fact that I built this PC.
I also went and checked the error logs on Satisfactory and got this big chain both times:
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:551][ 11]LogOnline: OSS: Creating online subsystem instance for: STEAM
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:551][ 11]LogGenericPlatformMisc: Error: SetEnvironmentVar not implemented for this platform: SteamAppId = 526870
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogSteamShared: Warning: SteamAPI failed to initialize, conditions not met.
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamAPI_Init failed with app ID: 526870, type: Non Steam EXE
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamUtils() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamUser() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamFriends() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamRemoteStorage() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamUserStats() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamMatchmakingServers() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamApps() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamNetworking() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamMatchmaking() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: STEAM: [AppId: 0] Client API initialized 0
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steam API failed to initialize!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:649][ 11]LogGame: Player Presence String: Tier 4: Daytime base building in Rocky Desert.
[2023.01.29-03.05.50:922][469]LogTemp: Warning: Added new type Desc_Coal_C
[2023.01.29-03.05.51:661][559]LogGame: Player Presence String: Tier 4: Daytime base building in Rocky Desert.
[2023.01.29-03.05.52:449][655]LogNetPackageMap: Warning: FNetGUIDCache::SupportsObject: FGInventoryComponent /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level: PersistentLevel.Build_SpaceElevator_C_2147030117.InputInventory NOT Supported.
[2023.01.29-03.05.54:705][927]LogEquipment: Warning: ArmSlot::SetOverrideEquipment, called twice with same equipment 'nullpeter'.
[2023.01.29-03.06.03:217][984]LogMaterial: Warning: Material /Game/FactoryGame/Equipment/BuildGun/Material/MM_ProxyPlain.MM_ProxyPlain missing bUsedWithInstancedStaticMeshes=True! Default Material will be used in game.
[2023.01.29-03.06.03:217][984]LogMaterial: Warning: The material will recompile every editor launch until resaved.
[2023.01.29-03.06.06:669][412]LogGame: Player Presence String: Tier 4: Daytime base building in Rocky Desert.
[2023.01.29-03.06.06:934][446]LogGame: Warning: BP_MaterialEffect_Dismantle_C_2147460927::SetMeshes, This cannot be called after PreStarted.
[2023.01.29-03.06.06:934][446]LogGame: Warning: BP_MaterialEffect_Dismantle_C_2147460926::SetMeshes, This cannot be called after PreStarted.
[2023.01.29-03.06.10:478][866]LogGame: Warning: BP_MaterialEffect_Dismantle_C_2147460633::SetMeshes, This cannot be called after PreStarted.
[2023.01.29-03.06.13:101][177]LogGame: Warning: BP_MaterialEffect_Dismantle_C_2147460418::SetMeshes, This cannot be called after PreStarted.

But all of this started happening only hours after I plugged in this new mouse.. and I only realized that just now and I googled if a mouse can have a Virus, and they can.. so.. did some jerk on Ebay just infect me with a mouse of all things?
Please help.. this is driving me absolutely mental.
Also for note. One of the places I went to try to find out the issue to this problem is this thread on this website:
But the guy got his problem fixed by being able to access the bios, which I can currently do so it seems that the error isn't exactly the same but seems extraordinarily similar.

Here are specs:
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i5 11600K @ 3.90GHz
DDR4 3200mhz 16GB
Gigabyte Z590 AORUS PRO AX
GeForce RTX 3070

EVGA 700w GQ 80+ Gold Power Supply
Seagate 6TB IronWolf 3.5in SATA NAS Hard Drive
Silicon Power 2TB P34A60 Gen3x4 TLC R/W PCIe M.2 NVMe SSD
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Mouse drivers: source? Manually downloaded, installed, and configured? (No third party tools or installers.)

Look in Reliability History and Event Viewer. Either one or both tools may be capturing some relevant error codes, warnings, or even informational events.

Start with Reliability History. Easier to understand and the time line format may prove revealing.

Event Viewer requires more time and effort.
I didn't download any mouse driver because it was exactly the same model as the previous mouse which worked fine, so I just unplugged the first one and plugged in the new one. Does it not work like that?
And I really do not know what I'm looking for with this reliability history. The events that are said with a date within the time frame of these issues is here
"The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000139 (0x0000000000000003, 0xffff800cbc9670d0, 0xffff800cbc967028, 0x0000000000000000). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: 9a97de72-3840-4949-89b7-4106f0e1e9ac."