I accidentally spilt milk on my mouse a month or so ago and it wouldn't click right anymore, so I ordered exactly the same model off of Ebay to replace since it seemed to be discontinued. (iMICE x7).
My very new computer which is less then 6 months old since I built it from scratch myself (first time building a PC) has run as smooth as butter since day one and I've loved it, there's been no issues. But on the day I received this mouse in the mail and plugged it in, my computer has been acting up. I hopped onto VRChat with my Oculus rift s like I would any other day and played for about 4 hours and nothing happened. Then suddenly in the middle of a game, my computer bluescreened on me without warning. I did not get to see the error message by the time I lifted my headset, it had already restarted. So I went back in thinking nothing of it. Then only about 20 minutes later, VRChat instantly froze solid and crashed. Hoping it was just being weird I went in again, and then in less then 10 minutes it instantly froze and crashed. I went in again and it crashed in 5 minutes the same way. Progressively getting worse until it was crashing in 2 minutes flat.
Oculus had been trying to run an update in the background while I was playing so I let that finish plus updated my NVIDIA graphics driver. But that did not help anything. Eventually I gave up and tried looking for help, but it seemed absolutely no one else was having this issue so it couldn't be a VRChat update disagreeing with my computer. I checked the VRChat logs and got a multitude of different errors at the time of the crashes in each log. I have put them below in order.
2023.01.28 22:12:29 Error - Buffer already contains chain of id:19370517653
2023.01.28 22:12:29 Error - Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'
UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry: PerformUpdate()
^ First 3 crashes ^ (Very first crash bluescreened)
2023.01.28 22:51:13 Log - Grabbing - Chain:48884494554 Bone:0
2023.01.28 22:52:23 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 683.753235
2023.01.28 22:52:24 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
2023.01.28 22:52:24 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 684.100708, Update Interval: 350.324402
^ Fourth crash ^
2023.01.28 23:00:08 Log - HTTPFormUseage:UrlEncoded
2023.01.28 23:00:42 Exception - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ÏÌÏÌÌÍÏÌÏÌÎÎÎÎÌÌÌÎÍÏÏÏÏ.ÎÌÏÍÌÌÎÍÎÍÏÎÎÍÏÏÌÏÌÍÎÎÎ () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
at VRC.Networking.Pose.PoseAV3Update.ÏÍÌÎÎÍÌÏÎÎÍÎÍÏÏÍÌÍÏÏÌÏÎ () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
^ Fifth ^
2023.01.28 23:12:00 Log - [Behaviour] Initialize ThreePoint Avatar (UnityEngine.Animator) VRCPlayer[Remote] 76369761 2 (ÏÏÏÏÌÏÌÎÏÍÏÏÎÎÏÌÎÌÏÌÍÍÎ) False Custom
2023.01.28 23:12:02 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 326.836182
2023.01.28 23:12:03 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
2023.01.28 23:12:03 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 327.228577, Update Interval: 351.060516
^ Sixth ^
2023.01.29 00:06:36 Error - Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 2016.000000, 0.000000, 1000.000000) (Camera rect 0 0 2016 2172)
VRC.SDKBase.VRC_MirrorReflection:RenderMirror(RenderTexture, Vector3, Quaternion, Matrix4x4)
2023.01.29 00:06:36 Error - Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 2016.000000, 0.000000, 1000.000000) (Camera rect 0 0 2016 2172)
VRC.SDKBase.VRC_MirrorReflection:RenderMirror(RenderTexture, Vector3, Quaternion, Matrix4x4)
^ Seventh ^ (bluescreened again)
After trying to look up answers and getting pretty much nowhere I asked VRChat reddit and only one person responded, asking me to check my computer's drivers which I updated the two I thought were important (oculus update and NVIDIA), or dust which there was none in the computer due to it being less then 6 months old and has a very good dust catcher on the front, and run a memtest. Which I tried. I downloaded memtest and formatted a USB drive with it on there, I tried to get into bios to boot my PC off of the USB since that's what memtest told me to do, but when I got to the boot menu I could only see Windows 10 option and then 3 of exactly the same options which I can't remember what they were but I didn't see any USB. Unless I'm looking in the wrong place. I am not very bios savvy. Or computer error savvy really.
After that night I was exhausted and upset and so I just went to bed. I woke up the next morning and had modded minecraft running and photoshop running and several firefox tabs running as I was messing around making skins for the game nothing went wrong, it ran smoothly, not a single frame jump or anything. Butter.
Then my friend turned up and asked to play Satisfactory, to which I said sure, and we played for 45 minutes smoothly until suddenly exactly the same thing happened. It froze dead still out of nowhere and the game crashed, hoping it was a coincidence I went back in, and it crashed after loading into the game for less then a minute. Almost instant crash again, at this point I started mentally breaking down a bit. So I went back just to wait for it to crash again so I could get the error log, but this time it waited about 20 minutes before it bluescreened the whole computer again. But due to not being in VR I managed to catch the bluescreen error and it said Kernal_security_check_failure.
So with that I tried looking up how to fix that, I went to reddit and downloaded Outbye PC repair off wiki and tried to use that but then after scanning my PC it said I needed to pay to use it, which I am not made of money so I uninstalled it and tried looking around for more help. Some suggestions said to update windows, which I have done so. I scanned for updates and have restarted the PC, I haven't run either game to see if it fixed yet.
I also saw to type sfc/scannow into the command prompt. Which I did but got told by said command prompt that I needed to be an administrator despite the fact that I built this PC.
I also went and checked the error logs on Satisfactory and got this big chain both times:
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:551][ 11]LogOnline: OSS: Creating online subsystem instance for: STEAM
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:551][ 11]LogGenericPlatformMisc: Error: SetEnvironmentVar not implemented for this platform: SteamAppId = 526870
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogSteamShared: Warning: SteamAPI failed to initialize, conditions not met.
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamAPI_Init failed with app ID: 526870, type: Non Steam EXE
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamUtils() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamUser() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamFriends() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamRemoteStorage() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamUserStats() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamMatchmakingServers() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamApps() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamNetworking() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamMatchmaking() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: STEAM: [AppId: 0] Client API initialized 0
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steam API failed to initialize!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:649][ 11]LogGame: Player Presence String: Tier 4: Daytime base building in Rocky Desert.
[2023.01.29-03.05.50:922][469]LogTemp: Warning: Added new type Desc_Coal_C
[2023.01.29-03.05.51:661][559]LogGame: Player Presence String: Tier 4: Daytime base building in Rocky Desert.
[2023.01.29-03.05.52:449][655]LogNetPackageMap: Warning: FNetGUIDCache::SupportsObject: FGInventoryComponent /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level: PersistentLevel.Build_SpaceElevator_C_2147030117.InputInventory NOT Supported.
[2023.01.29-03.05.54:705][927]LogEquipment: Warning: ArmSlot::SetOverrideEquipment, called twice with same equipment 'nullpeter'.
[2023.01.29-03.06.03:217][984]LogMaterial: Warning: Material /Game/FactoryGame/Equipment/BuildGun/Material/MM_ProxyPlain.MM_ProxyPlain missing bUsedWithInstancedStaticMeshes=True! Default Material will be used in game.
[2023.01.29-03.06.03:217][984]LogMaterial: Warning: The material will recompile every editor launch until resaved.
[2023.01.29-03.06.06:669][412]LogGame: Player Presence String: Tier 4: Daytime base building in Rocky Desert.
[2023.01.29-03.06.06:934][446]LogGame: Warning: BP_MaterialEffect_Dismantle_C_2147460927::SetMeshes, This cannot be called after PreStarted.
[2023.01.29-03.06.06:934][446]LogGame: Warning: BP_MaterialEffect_Dismantle_C_2147460926::SetMeshes, This cannot be called after PreStarted.
[2023.01.29-03.06.10:478][866]LogGame: Warning: BP_MaterialEffect_Dismantle_C_2147460633::SetMeshes, This cannot be called after PreStarted.
[2023.01.29-03.06.13:101][177]LogGame: Warning: BP_MaterialEffect_Dismantle_C_2147460418::SetMeshes, This cannot be called after PreStarted.
But all of this started happening only hours after I plugged in this new mouse.. and I only realized that just now and I googled if a mouse can have a Virus, and they can.. so.. did some jerk on Ebay just infect me with a mouse of all things?
Please help.. this is driving me absolutely mental.
Also for note. One of the places I went to try to find out the issue to this problem is this thread on this website: https://forums.tomshardware.com/thr...s-crashes-and-insanity.3727472/#post-22477277
But the guy got his problem fixed by being able to access the bios, which I can currently do so it seems that the error isn't exactly the same but seems extraordinarily similar.
Here are specs:
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i5 11600K @ 3.90GHz
DDR4 3200mhz 16GB
Gigabyte Z590 AORUS PRO AX
GeForce RTX 3070
EVGA 700w GQ 80+ Gold Power Supply
Seagate 6TB IronWolf 3.5in SATA NAS Hard Drive
Silicon Power 2TB P34A60 Gen3x4 TLC R/W PCIe M.2 NVMe SSD
My very new computer which is less then 6 months old since I built it from scratch myself (first time building a PC) has run as smooth as butter since day one and I've loved it, there's been no issues. But on the day I received this mouse in the mail and plugged it in, my computer has been acting up. I hopped onto VRChat with my Oculus rift s like I would any other day and played for about 4 hours and nothing happened. Then suddenly in the middle of a game, my computer bluescreened on me without warning. I did not get to see the error message by the time I lifted my headset, it had already restarted. So I went back in thinking nothing of it. Then only about 20 minutes later, VRChat instantly froze solid and crashed. Hoping it was just being weird I went in again, and then in less then 10 minutes it instantly froze and crashed. I went in again and it crashed in 5 minutes the same way. Progressively getting worse until it was crashing in 2 minutes flat.
Oculus had been trying to run an update in the background while I was playing so I let that finish plus updated my NVIDIA graphics driver. But that did not help anything. Eventually I gave up and tried looking for help, but it seemed absolutely no one else was having this issue so it couldn't be a VRChat update disagreeing with my computer. I checked the VRChat logs and got a multitude of different errors at the time of the crashes in each log. I have put them below in order.
2023.01.28 22:12:29 Error - Buffer already contains chain of id:19370517653
2023.01.28 22:12:29 Error - Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'
UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry: PerformUpdate()
^ First 3 crashes ^ (Very first crash bluescreened)
2023.01.28 22:51:13 Log - Grabbing - Chain:48884494554 Bone:0
2023.01.28 22:52:23 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 683.753235
2023.01.28 22:52:24 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
2023.01.28 22:52:24 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 684.100708, Update Interval: 350.324402
^ Fourth crash ^
2023.01.28 23:00:08 Log - HTTPFormUseage:UrlEncoded
2023.01.28 23:00:42 Exception - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at ÏÌÏÌÌÍÏÌÏÌÎÎÎÎÌÌÌÎÍÏÏÏÏ.ÎÌÏÍÌÌÎÍÎÍÏÎÎÍÏÏÌÏÌÍÎÎÎ () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
at VRC.Networking.Pose.PoseAV3Update.ÏÍÌÎÎÍÌÏÎÎÍÎÍÏÏÍÌÍÏÏÌÏÎ () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
^ Fifth ^
2023.01.28 23:12:00 Log - [Behaviour] Initialize ThreePoint Avatar (UnityEngine.Animator) VRCPlayer[Remote] 76369761 2 (ÏÏÏÏÌÏÌÎÏÍÏÏÎÎÏÌÎÌÏÌÍÍÎ) False Custom
2023.01.28 23:12:02 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] Updating Product SDK Config, Time: 326.836182
2023.01.28 23:12:03 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] SDK Config Product Update Request Completed - No Change
2023.01.28 23:12:03 Log - [EOSManager] [Info][LogEOS] ScheduleNextSDKConfigDataUpdate - Time: 327.228577, Update Interval: 351.060516
^ Sixth ^
2023.01.29 00:06:36 Error - Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 2016.000000, 0.000000, 1000.000000) (Camera rect 0 0 2016 2172)
VRC.SDKBase.VRC_MirrorReflection:RenderMirror(RenderTexture, Vector3, Quaternion, Matrix4x4)
2023.01.29 00:06:36 Error - Screen position out of view frustum (screen pos 2016.000000, 0.000000, 1000.000000) (Camera rect 0 0 2016 2172)
VRC.SDKBase.VRC_MirrorReflection:RenderMirror(RenderTexture, Vector3, Quaternion, Matrix4x4)
^ Seventh ^ (bluescreened again)
After trying to look up answers and getting pretty much nowhere I asked VRChat reddit and only one person responded, asking me to check my computer's drivers which I updated the two I thought were important (oculus update and NVIDIA), or dust which there was none in the computer due to it being less then 6 months old and has a very good dust catcher on the front, and run a memtest. Which I tried. I downloaded memtest and formatted a USB drive with it on there, I tried to get into bios to boot my PC off of the USB since that's what memtest told me to do, but when I got to the boot menu I could only see Windows 10 option and then 3 of exactly the same options which I can't remember what they were but I didn't see any USB. Unless I'm looking in the wrong place. I am not very bios savvy. Or computer error savvy really.
After that night I was exhausted and upset and so I just went to bed. I woke up the next morning and had modded minecraft running and photoshop running and several firefox tabs running as I was messing around making skins for the game nothing went wrong, it ran smoothly, not a single frame jump or anything. Butter.
Then my friend turned up and asked to play Satisfactory, to which I said sure, and we played for 45 minutes smoothly until suddenly exactly the same thing happened. It froze dead still out of nowhere and the game crashed, hoping it was a coincidence I went back in, and it crashed after loading into the game for less then a minute. Almost instant crash again, at this point I started mentally breaking down a bit. So I went back just to wait for it to crash again so I could get the error log, but this time it waited about 20 minutes before it bluescreened the whole computer again. But due to not being in VR I managed to catch the bluescreen error and it said Kernal_security_check_failure.
So with that I tried looking up how to fix that, I went to reddit and downloaded Outbye PC repair off wiki and tried to use that but then after scanning my PC it said I needed to pay to use it, which I am not made of money so I uninstalled it and tried looking around for more help. Some suggestions said to update windows, which I have done so. I scanned for updates and have restarted the PC, I haven't run either game to see if it fixed yet.
I also saw to type sfc/scannow into the command prompt. Which I did but got told by said command prompt that I needed to be an administrator despite the fact that I built this PC.
I also went and checked the error logs on Satisfactory and got this big chain both times:
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:551][ 11]LogOnline: OSS: Creating online subsystem instance for: STEAM
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:551][ 11]LogGenericPlatformMisc: Error: SetEnvironmentVar not implemented for this platform: SteamAppId = 526870
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogSteamShared: Warning: SteamAPI failed to initialize, conditions not met.
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamAPI_Init failed with app ID: 526870, type: Non Steam EXE
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamUtils() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamUser() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamFriends() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamRemoteStorage() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamUserStats() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamMatchmakingServers() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamApps() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamNetworking() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steamworks: SteamMatchmaking() failed!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: STEAM: [AppId: 0] Client API initialized 0
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Warning: STEAM: Steam API failed to initialize!
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:646][ 11]LogOnline: Display: STEAM: OnlineSubsystemSteam::Shutdown()
[2023.01.29-03.05.36:649][ 11]LogGame: Player Presence String: Tier 4: Daytime base building in Rocky Desert.
[2023.01.29-03.05.50:922][469]LogTemp: Warning: Added new type Desc_Coal_C
[2023.01.29-03.05.51:661][559]LogGame: Player Presence String: Tier 4: Daytime base building in Rocky Desert.
[2023.01.29-03.05.52:449][655]LogNetPackageMap: Warning: FNetGUIDCache::SupportsObject: FGInventoryComponent /Game/FactoryGame/Map/GameLevel01/Persistent_Level.Persistent_Level: PersistentLevel.Build_SpaceElevator_C_2147030117.InputInventory NOT Supported.
[2023.01.29-03.05.54:705][927]LogEquipment: Warning: ArmSlot::SetOverrideEquipment, called twice with same equipment 'nullpeter'.
[2023.01.29-03.06.03:217][984]LogMaterial: Warning: Material /Game/FactoryGame/Equipment/BuildGun/Material/MM_ProxyPlain.MM_ProxyPlain missing bUsedWithInstancedStaticMeshes=True! Default Material will be used in game.
[2023.01.29-03.06.03:217][984]LogMaterial: Warning: The material will recompile every editor launch until resaved.
[2023.01.29-03.06.06:669][412]LogGame: Player Presence String: Tier 4: Daytime base building in Rocky Desert.
[2023.01.29-03.06.06:934][446]LogGame: Warning: BP_MaterialEffect_Dismantle_C_2147460927::SetMeshes, This cannot be called after PreStarted.
[2023.01.29-03.06.06:934][446]LogGame: Warning: BP_MaterialEffect_Dismantle_C_2147460926::SetMeshes, This cannot be called after PreStarted.
[2023.01.29-03.06.10:478][866]LogGame: Warning: BP_MaterialEffect_Dismantle_C_2147460633::SetMeshes, This cannot be called after PreStarted.
[2023.01.29-03.06.13:101][177]LogGame: Warning: BP_MaterialEffect_Dismantle_C_2147460418::SetMeshes, This cannot be called after PreStarted.
But all of this started happening only hours after I plugged in this new mouse.. and I only realized that just now and I googled if a mouse can have a Virus, and they can.. so.. did some jerk on Ebay just infect me with a mouse of all things?
Please help.. this is driving me absolutely mental.
Also for note. One of the places I went to try to find out the issue to this problem is this thread on this website: https://forums.tomshardware.com/thr...s-crashes-and-insanity.3727472/#post-22477277
But the guy got his problem fixed by being able to access the bios, which I can currently do so it seems that the error isn't exactly the same but seems extraordinarily similar.
Here are specs:
Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Intel Core i5 11600K @ 3.90GHz
DDR4 3200mhz 16GB
Gigabyte Z590 AORUS PRO AX
GeForce RTX 3070
EVGA 700w GQ 80+ Gold Power Supply
Seagate 6TB IronWolf 3.5in SATA NAS Hard Drive
Silicon Power 2TB P34A60 Gen3x4 TLC R/W PCIe M.2 NVMe SSD
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