Mar 26, 2020
(TL;DR is at the end of the post)

Hello everyone.

My current laptop is an HP 15-r218nv. I know this isn't the best laptop for gaming, but it gets the job done. I have bought it 3 years ago and it has worked great throughout all this time. Last year, the laptop began to overheat, and because I didn't have money to get it cleaned, and I wasn't confident enough to open it and clean it myself, I took the battery out, the easiest and most efficient way to lower the heat and not lose much perfomance. I have continued to play games as normal, and about 4 months ago, there was a storm at my place, and the storm fried up the power brick. I have recently been gifted another laptop, and this new laptop's charger could fit and charge my old one, so I decided to factory reset the old one, and update it to windows 10 version 1903 (I had windows 10 version 14XX).

Because I have one charger, I must reconnect the battery of the old laptop back. I did that, and downloaded some games again. I have began to play games and I noticed something strange while playing CS:GO. I have been playing CS:GO without the laptop charging, and I have had great fps, around 100 fps. The battery got at a low percentage, and I plugged the charger into the laptop, and immidietly noticed an fps drop to 20 fps, with also, a drop in CPU and GPU usage, from ~80% to ~35%, and ~100% to ~50% respectively.

I have thought that the fps drop was due to the laptop changing some options and settings because of the battery/power plan, so I waited for a few seconds, but the fps did not bounce back. When I noticed the fps weren't going to jump back up, I unplugged the laptop to perform a test and see what the fps outcome would be. My fps jumped right back to 100 fps. The next day, I decided to run CS:GO again, and noticed low fps again. I tried a different method to the problem, to see if it would solve it.

My laptop has an Intel Core i7-5500U and an Nvidia GeForce 820M. I use the integrated graphics, since they are more responsive and faster than the Nvidia GPU.
In the nvidia control panel, I can choose what GPU I want each program to use, and I thought I forgot to switch the preffered GPU for CS:GO to the integrated graphics, but that wasn't the case. I thought the control panel was bugged, so I disabled the Nvidia GPU through device manager. The game was still laggy.

I enabled back the Nvidia GPU, and went on google to find some answers to my problem. The supposed solutions I found were:
  1. It might be a BIOS setting. This might be the reason, and I say might, because I cannot see any setting that would be causing this, but my BIOS have a very limited amount of settings that I can change.
  2. A power/battery plan option is at fault, which is not
  3. Maybe in the control panel of the Intel iGPU, I have things configured wrong, which that is also not the case

None of these solutions worked, and I have no idea what to do next. If anyone has any idea what the problem might be, I would appreciate it if you could help me

My laptop's CPU and GPU usage drop significantly when plugged in, almost getting halved. Changing the BIOS doesn't help, the power/battery plan is correctly configured, and the configuration from the control panel of the graphics are correctly set. No idea what to do next.
I know you checked it, but it sounds so much like a horked up power management plan that I would check the configuration with the powercfg command, just to verify what the GUI is reporting.
I know you checked it, but it sounds so much like a horked up power management plan that I would check the configuration with the powercfg command, just to verify what the GUI is reporting.
I will, and I will update
I know you checked it, but it sounds so much like a horked up power management plan that I would check the configuration with the powercfg command, just to verify what the GUI is reporting.
I have done it, and everything is as it is supposed to be