[SOLVED] Laptop turns off on its own randomly, not sure why. Turns back on normally after, but randomly turns off again after a few hours of use ?


Apr 24, 2022
I have a laptop that I have been using for many years, and yesterday it suddenly just turns off on its own without warning. Today the same thing happened again.
I've looked around and the causes suggested by the sites are overheating, malware, and failing battery. Based on Malwarebytes and Avast scans, laptop is clean of malware. The laptop is old enough that it's possible the fan has worn out, or the battery has worn out. Is there a way to check if my battery is busted? It's still charging normally so far, so I don't know if that is what's causing the sudden shutdowns, or if it's caused by overheat.
I said this in my first post already: I want to know if there's a software to check if my battery is going bad or not.
Ok, then.

For that you really don't need a separate program, just follow this guide:

Then you may report back the result if you want help to interpret the results 😀
I'd suggest you inform also what model you have and what age.

Some few years ago I bought an used acer aspire very cheap (about $35-50 after conversion), but when starting to use, it had the same tendencies as yours. I never figured out what was the exact fault, but my suspicion went to the motherboard and that there must have being a bad solder spot under one of the major chips, possible chipset or GPU.

Some advises before you give up on this computer (if you intend to keep it)
  • Backup your data (important files) to a secondary storage device - external hdd is recommended, usb thumb drive can also be used but less secure, and remember to always use secure ramoval of hardware before unplugging.
  • have an actual check on temperatures and try to remove dust collected in (literally inside so you have to disassemble) the fans.
  • Before next step: Check the health of the HDD or SSD
  • Try to re-install OS - because it is always a theoretically possibility that a software issue are the reason.
Well yes, all of that is part of my consideration, but one of the things I really want to know is how to check the battery health because battery failure is also one of the causes of sudden shutdowns. I've had this laptop for more than 5 years, and I have had to change the battery once before. This is one of the easier fixes, so I'd like to confirm this first before trying something more complicated like dismantling or reinstall the OS.
Is there no program or built-in Microsoft method that works on all Windows system, regardless of the computer brand?
The laptop is ASUS ROG, I'm not sure what's the exact build.
Is there no program or built-in Microsoft method that works on all Windows system, regardless of the computer brand?
Doing what?

If you're looking for a log or something that can explain, then if there is a sudden and quick shutdown there is no software in the world that can cope with that.

The laptop is ASUS ROG, I'm not sure what's the exact build.
You said yo did swap battery in the past. Did it work and was it for the same issue you have now?
Doing what?
I said this in my first post already: I want to know if there's a software to check if my battery is going bad or not.
There are programs that can check the health of the internal drives of a computer, and gives warning that a drive might need replacement.
Are there similar programs that checks the status of the laptop's battery?

You said yo did swap battery in the past. Did it work and was it for the same issue you have now?
Previously I changed the battery for a completely different problem. Last time it's because the battery status is displaying "plugged in not charging". In that case it was clear that the battery is busted and needed to be changed.
I've had phones randomly turn off in a similar manner, and ended up being fixed by battery replacement. I don't think I've ever experienced a laptop do that, but online articles do say that bad laptop battery can make a laptop suddenly turn off too.
I said this in my first post already: I want to know if there's a software to check if my battery is going bad or not.
Ok, then.

For that you really don't need a separate program, just follow this guide:

Then you may report back the result if you want help to interpret the results 😀
Ok, then.

For that you really don't need a separate program, just follow this guide:

Then you may report back the result if you want help to interpret the results 😀
I did the check, it says battery is less than 50% capacity or something to that effect.
After replacing battery, the issue is resolved.
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