Las teclas no funcionan como se debe, solo dejaron de funcionar de la nada, hay veces en las que funcionan algunas de esas teclas y hay veces que no, ademas, cuando presiono la tecla TAB, Q y W al mismo tiempo, se activa la tecla de mutear la pc, solo con esas teclas. AYUDAAAA.
The Q, W, ´, + and Home keys do not work as they should.
The keys do not work as they should, they just stopped working out of nowhere, there are times when some of those keys work and there are times when they do not, also, when I press the TAB, Q and W keys at the same time, the mute pc key, only with those keys
The Q, W, ´, + and Home keys do not work as they should.
The keys do not work as they should, they just stopped working out of nowhere, there are times when some of those keys work and there are times when they do not, also, when I press the TAB, Q and W keys at the same time, the mute pc key, only with those keys