Question Lets Figure the Problem whit this Rebooting pc

Feb 15, 2019
WARNING: This is gonna be long tread,dont go asleep.

I'll write the full STORY arc at the end of this so you can get an idea of what happened better.

CPU:Ryzen 7 1700
GPU:GT 1030
MotherBoard:Asus Prime a320m-k
PSU:Cooler Master
HDD:Toshiba 1TB HDD
RAM: F4-3200C16D-16GVKB

This is the sistem I'll be using:
"used program"("time until problem")

League of Legend + Groove Music (Min. 15 min - Max. 40 min)
League of Legend + OBS (Min. 6 min - Max. 1 Hour)
League of legend + OBS + Team Speak (15 Min)
League of legend I OBS + Discord (40+ min.)
Minecraft + OBS (20+ min)
Minecraft HEAVY TNT BOMBING TEST + OBS (2 min)

2.SCREEN GOES BLACK,sound still going,voice chat included.FAN GOES FULL SPEED.
Heaven Test MAX settings (40 min)
Dauntless + discord (40 min)

Google Crome
Any Kind of Video
Heavy Editing and Rendering.
Uploading and downloading for long period of Time
Copying and pasting large amount of file for long period of Time.
Intel Burn Test 10 turn max settings (no temp. record)
AIDA64 Extreme test for everything for over an hour (64 C Highest temp)
OCCT: GPU tst for over an hour,(highest temp 64 C).PSU test for 15 min.
Windows implemented RAM testing
Memtest86 booting USB first 4 test.

So lets see how my pc started rebooting and what I did after:
STORY arc:
Since my old pc was 10 years old,it's PSU was dead,I bough an ADJ(italy brand psu,shitty 20 euro one) and used for a while,but since I haad to change the HDD already since it was broken and it being 10 years was really laggy etc(15 fps in lowest League of Legend settings),I decided to maybe change,summer.But I got everything around november-december.

-Ryzen 7 1700 : I bought this in China,but I didnt know anything about pc,so I overestimeted my budget.
-Ge Force 1030 1GB Silent : After coming back in Italy I bough this one from Amazon.
-Asus Prime a320m-k : Same as above

I kept the hdd and PSU(probaly the worst decision this year,maybe 2nd but you get the point),
My pc was rebooting/restarting even before I updated my pc and I tought it would be fixed after finishing the new Build,

SPOILER:I was wrong,I couldnt be more wrong than this

So basically my pc kept rebooting,when I used the combo LoL + OBS,or simply opening Minecraft(dont judge me for the games I'm old school).
After reseaching in the net I bought a new PSU(Still Italian Brand,I wonder why I got this stupid).

NEW PAR(The shop was quite a long journey and I had a lot of fun in the way there,just here to make this less depressing):

Replaced the PSU and all thaat crap
I installed clean Windows to the New HDD Because I didnt haave the space for 2 HDD and the old one was too small(I have a yt Channel and need alot of space for ll the video).
Reboot Still didnt stop,at this point I started to get annoyed and proabaly where I staaaarted to get stress out(I actually have panic attaack when my pc reboot now,just to let you know how much this problem been affecting me).

So I did some more Research Online and Updated my Graphic driver whit NVIDIA official site and used fast installation GeForce but couldnt quite find other drivers.
I started to think that it waas the power Cord that was broken,so I switched it out and for half a day nothing happened.

I let this go for some time(a week or 2)since I was experiencing depression and didnt leave my bed or play any game,but I did watch video and no reboot recorded in that(to this day)
I tried to update my BIOS.I picked the wrong file and the bios FROZE.
After a while I restarted it and picked the right file.
From this point on my MOUSE and ETHERNET LED wont close(ERP tried) I updated it to 4207 ver. but whit no result.

After I started to play again yeah,it didnt resolve itself and I decided to buy a new PSU after some suggestion in a microsoft tread,so I got a Cooler Master MWE 650 Bronze(current one).
Yeaha this one didnt work either so I got even more depressed and stopped gaming for more weeks(and developed panic attack whenever the screen goes black).
But I've been feeling better these days and started to try and find another way to solve this.

I made another clean installation of windows whitout keeping ANY files,Downloaded ONLY the driver I needed from the Nvidia pack and found the MotherBoard chipset Driver.
After this I did Multiple Test:
CPU:whit intel stress test for 1 hour aand another one I cant remember. NO PROBLEM FOUND.
GPU:This one is strange,whit Heaven Benchmark(been watching lot of linux to understand)
My pc screen went Black for the first time and it just stayed this way,I had to reboot manually.
HDD: S.M.A.R.T. no Problem.
RAM: I had some windows's program for memtesting,I'm gonna try memtest86 today and see if there are problems.

Then I made a clean installation of the chipset drivers + NVIDIA PACK again.
Now its today and I am even more stressed because the writing sistem is red ALL the time aand I cant edit this properly.
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What is the current status for your situation at this time? Screen blackouts during mainly gaming sessions can be a few things. A few common ones are power supply, which you already changed a few times. What model did you get from Cooler Master as well. Some units within the same brand can vary greatly on quality and reliability/stability. Have you tried multiple GPU drivers, not just the latest version? Sometimes new drivers can cause bugs to crop up, whereas older ones may work just fine. Do you happen to have the latest UEFI installed for your motherboard? Have you tried more GPU specific stress tests? It can take more than one plus several different game engines to be sure on occasion. It could also be that your GPU itself is failing and may need to be replaced. Also, are you running any overclock of any kind? If so, I would test back at stock settings.
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It's your GPU. Your GPU is unstable because:

1. It cannot withstand operation at 99% at max stock clocks, in which case you have got a faulty GPU.

2. You have overclocked your GPU and you are experiencing an unstable overclock.


1. Underclock your GPU core clocks and RAM clocks, one after the other, to discover where the problem is, so that you may keep using the GPU with either core or RAM clocks underclocked.

2. RMA your GPU if within warranty.

3. Obtain a new GPU.
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I'll give you more details..
I'm NOT OVERCLOCKING,I left all voltage setting at default auto.
Before changing my psu I tried to update my BIOS.
I picked the wrong file and the bios FROZE.
After a while I restarted it nd picked the right file.
From this on my MOUSE and ETHERNET LED wont close(ERP tried) I updated it to 4207 ver. but whit no result.
I just used memtest86 bootable USB and it did 4 tst automatically,but there are still some test left do I need to do them?
My gpu and cpu are NOT OVERHEATING,they both reach 64 C at all test I have done.
But since it was a long time ago for the GPU I may be wrong I'll try heaven benchmark again.

Hope this help.
What is the current status for your situation at this time? Screen blackouts during mainly gaming sessions can be a few things. A few common ones are power supply, which you already changed a few times. What model did you get from Cooler Master as well. Some units within the same brand can vary greatly on quality and reliability/stability. Have you tried multiple GPU drivers, not just the latest version? Sometimes new drivers can cause bugs to crop up, whereas older ones may work just fine. Do you happen to have the latest UEFI installed for your motherboard? Have you tried more GPU specific stress tests? It can take more than one plus several different game engines to be sure on occasion. It could also be that your GPU itself is failing and may need to be replaced. Also, are you running any overclock of any kind? If so, I would test back at stock settings.

The black screen almost never occur,normally its always the pc rebooting.
I only had 2 cases of the black screen and they are already listed.

2 other driver TRIED , but whit one ver. the problem was ALREADY present(original one) and all I could find was another old ver. but it was even worst.
Where do I find other version?
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I just used memtest86 bootable USB and it did 4 tst automatically,but there are still some test left do I need to do them?

Hope this help.

It needs to run 4 passes. Then it should automatically stop and give you a report. Running all 4 passes takes 2-3 hours just so you know. Error count should be zero.

Did you try with a different gpu or the integrated one to see if it makes a difference?
Ok, so I think that the issues you are having are not related to your mobo. "Bricking" a motherboard means the motherboard is destroyed and is no longer usable. If you can still use your mobo, you did not brick it.

The issue you are having is this:

When you are stressing your GPU and your PSU and thus you increase power draw, your system crashes and reboots. It could be either the GPU or the PSU. I assumed that bc your PSU is a Cooler Master PSU, it's not to blame.

What I would do:

1. Underclock the GPU's core clocks and Memory Clocks and see if the issue persists. Underclock it and then run Heaven or 3D Mark Fire Strike.

2. Test your system with a different PSU.

Take a photo of your PSU and post it here. I am interested in the lettering on the PSU. Some lettering should be visible.

What I am trying to do is first ensure that you have a quality PSU and one that is adequate for the kind of load you have, to try and guess if you have a faulty GPU or a faulty PSU.

You could also remove your GPU and seriously stress it on a friend's PC, like leave it run 3D Mark Fire Strike for an hour. If the GPU is faulty, it should crash. Ifyour GPU can make it through 1 hour Fire Strike then it's fine, and your PSU is to blame.
Ok, so I think that the issues you are having are not related to your mobo. "Bricking" a motherboard means the motherboard is destroyed and is no longer usable. If you can still use your mobo, you did not brick it.

The issue you are having is this:

When you are stressing your GPU and your PSU and thus you increase power draw, your system crashes and reboots. It could be either the GPU or the PSU. I assumed that bc your PSU is a Cooler Master PSU, it's not to blame.

What I would do:

1. Underclock the GPU's core clocks and Memory Clocks and see if the issue persists. Underclock it and then run Heaven or 3D Mark Fire Strike.

2. Test your system with a different PSU.

Take a photo of your PSU and post it here. I am interested in the lettering on the PSU. Some lettering should be visible.

What I am trying to do is first ensure that you have a quality PSU and one that is adequate for the kind of load you have, to try and guess if you have a faulty GPU or a faulty PSU.

You could also remove your GPU and seriously stress it on a friend's PC, like leave it run 3D Mark Fire Strike for an hour. If the GPU is faulty, it should crash. Ifyour GPU can make it through 1 hour Fire Strike then it's fine, and your PSU is to blame.

This one is the PSU itself

This one is the front Box

I also just did a furmark test according this tutorial for 43 min:
Nothing out of the ordinary.
67C final temp

I lso tought it may be the PSU,so I went into the BIOS and checked the voltage.
CPU:1.33V (around this most of the time)

+12V : 11.8 (but I think I saw 11.5 one time but I'm not sure)
+5V : 5.1V - 5.3V
3.3V : 3.1V
Ok, so I think that the issues you are having are not related to your mobo. "Bricking" a motherboard means the motherboard is destroyed and is no longer usable. If you can still use your mobo, you did not brick it.

The issue you are having is this:

When you are stressing your GPU and your PSU and thus you increase power draw, your system crashes and reboots. It could be either the GPU or the PSU. I assumed that bc your PSU is a Cooler Master PSU, it's not to blame.

What I would do:

1. Underclock the GPU's core clocks and Memory Clocks and see if the issue persists. Underclock it and then run Heaven or 3D Mark Fire Strike.

2. Test your system with a different PSU.

Take a photo of your PSU and post it here. I am interested in the lettering on the PSU. Some lettering should be visible.

What I am trying to do is first ensure that you have a quality PSU and one that is adequate for the kind of load you have, to try and guess if you have a faulty GPU or a faulty PSU.

You could also remove your GPU and seriously stress it on a friend's PC, like leave it run 3D Mark Fire Strike for an hour. If the GPU is faulty, it should crash. Ifyour GPU can make it through 1 hour Fire Strike then it's fine, and your PSU is to blame.

I just underclock'ed my GPU aand memory.
I used Afterburn,Its my first time doing this so,assuming you know more than me,I'm listing what I did.
So,first I downloaded Afterburn,after that I got both clocks -56.
It went black screen after 10 min.
ITS currently at -105.
My test was whit heaven : EXTREME 1600x900 ; 1 Hour test.

No problem occured,do you think its good now?

Since my warranty is not existent,I'd like to keep this one if I cana.
If I got to leave it undercocked do you know a way to make it more easy?
Is setting afterburn as "start at startup" enought?
Ok so I think I have solved your issue.

You have got a defective GPU in your hands. A defective GPU is one that cannot work properly at stock factory clocks.

What you should do now is discover where is the fault. Does it lie with the GPU Core Clocks or does it lie with GPU RAM clocks?

Keep the RAM clocks at -105 MHz and start upping your Core clocks at increments of 30 MHz and then run Heaven benchmark to discover if stable. If it doesn't fail all the way up to stock clocks, then it means that the fault lies in your card's RAM, which is what usually happens.

If your card is unstable when you raise core clocks while you keep your RAM clocks at -105 MHz, then it means that the problem lies in the GPU core, a little less common.

Yes, after you discover where the fault lies, you can keep using the card underclocked until it fails.

No, you should make an Afterburner profile and set it to apply to the card automatically after every startup so that you won't have to do it manually every time.
Ok so I think I have solved your issue.

You have got a defective GPU in your hands. A defective GPU is one that cannot work properly at stock factory clocks.

What you should do now is discover where is the fault. Does it lie with the GPU Core Clocks or does it lie with GPU RAM clocks?

Keep the RAM clocks at -105 MHz and start upping your Core clocks at increments of 30 MHz and then run Heaven benchmark to discover if stable. If it doesn't fail all the way up to stock clocks, then it means that the fault lies in your card's RAM, which is what usually happens.

If your card is unstable when you raise core clocks while you keep your RAM clocks at -105 MHz, then it means that the problem lies in the GPU core, a little less common.

Yes, after you discover where the fault lies, you can keep using the card underclocked until it fails.

No, you should make an Afterburner profile and set it to apply to the card automatically after every startup so that you won't have to do it manually every time.

Ok so I think I have solved your issue.

You have got a defective GPU in your hands. A defective GPU is one that cannot work properly at stock factory clocks.

What you should do now is discover where is the fault. Does it lie with the GPU Core Clocks or does it lie with GPU RAM clocks?

Keep the RAM clocks at -105 MHz and start upping your Core clocks at increments of 30 MHz and then run Heaven benchmark to discover if stable. If it doesn't fail all the way up to stock clocks, then it means that the fault lies in your card's RAM, which is what usually happens.

If your card is unstable when you raise core clocks while you keep your RAM clocks at -105 MHz, then it means that the problem lies in the GPU core, a little less common.

Yes, after you discover where the fault lies, you can keep using the card underclocked until it fails.

No, you should make an Afterburner profile and set it to apply to the card automatically after every startup so that you won't have to do it manually every time.

Still Happen
Was Recording lol aand after 3 hours it just reboot again,do I need to lower the clock more?
Yes, keep lowering until you get no crashes.

Are you Getting the response,I dont see anything .

After the answer my pc ran whitout problem for 9 days(4 hour of playing every single days beest time in a while),after that the problem happened again.
I tried to lower the clock speed more,but even at its lowest nothing was changing(-400;-502).
So I did some research and decided to lower the power limit.
until 90% the problem was still occuring but whit longer interval 15min(it was 10 min before)
Now its set at the lower possible 85% and it kept going for merely 28 min.
If the problem cant be COMPLETELY solved,I'm okay whit atleast making the limit of "not reboot" for 1 hour,any ideas for that?

HeavenMark Extreme test still run for 1hour+ whitout any problems.

So is it the PSU or GPU?
Am I just this unlucky to have not 1 BUT 2 faulty components at once?
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Since no one is responding on my old tread:

I opened a new one.

So after I underclocked my gpu the problem stopped after a while but now it came back to hunt me,help.
If you want something I didnt explain on the old one ask here,but I give almost every informatinin the old one already.
I underclock my gpu because otherwise my pc crash(more information here).
Its been reboot less when underclocked,but it still happens,I want to know if I can underclock it more,since lowering the clock gives me more time whitout it rebooting(sometimes it reboot randomly tho).
Lowering the core clock speed has been proven to be the most effective way,I've been using MSIAfterburn and it only goes to -400mhz in underclocking,how can I underclock it more?