
May 17, 2012
Sup, i live in panama so therefore ill have to ship whatever i order here so it might cost me 100-200$ just to bring it here... here´s the game, and i really hope lot of u guys play this bcuz im literally going out of my mind, everytime i read something positive, something negative comes along and i just cant decide.. just cant...
cyberpowerpc.com my brother once ordered a pc so i kinda trust that page, i hope u guys too...
rules are... Cheap/Good/Reliable/Lasts long... (2-3 yrs hopefully)

I intend to use it for general use:
-Just basic stuff in that area...

- Quakelive
- World of Warcraft
- Diablo 3
- Teamfortress 2
- StarCraft 2
- Some random games (nothing specal)

-I tend not to shut my computer off for days, sometimes weeks...
-I use 2 monitors and hopefully kick a long HDMI cable to my TV

computer must be upgradable in the future...

i wouldnt bother u guys if i wasnt just lost... i honestly dont know what to order...

My budget is Around 800

My old computer was a DELL based wrong sided motherboard and i really dont wanna save anything from it bcuz its very old and i dont want to risk my new baby.

Thanks in advance to whoever helps...
Let the games begin :p


Jul 1, 2011
I'm not one to designate a specific build, but I can certainly point you towards some good hardware.

4 to 8 GB RAM (G. Skill can be very cost-friendly)
AMD Radeon HD 6850
AMD FX 4100
Windows 7 64 bit OEM
500w PSU is enough for this hardware (Make sure it's 80 Plus certified)

Pretty much any HDD, Case, DVD drive and ~$80 motherboard should work for this configuration.

If anyone is feeling ambitious, perhaps you can price out a similar build. EDIT: People on these forums may give you heat over the choice of FX 4100 but for all of the games and applications you listed, it should do just fine.