Liquid Nitrogen Cooling

There was a web site a while back where this guy submerged his entire M/B, P/S, vid. card, etc. in super cooled mineral oil. He had a couple problems though. The worst one was his cats drank the mineral oil and ended up with a MAJOR case of the SH_TS!!!.

Remember! There is no such thing as a bad beer. Some are just better than others.
At what temperature does electricity start to slow? 150C seems close doesn't it?
he got it so cold that it didn't work was his problem a chip has a certian range of operarting tempatures and he went bellow the minium operating tempature.
Isn't -150 outside the operating temperature for almost every cpu. Also, condensation will become a huge problem.

<i><b><font color=red>"2 is not equal to 3, not even for large values of 2"</font color=red></b></i>
I think -273C = 0 Kelvin = Absolute zero. i.e. All stop. Nobody's ever reached that temp.

<i><b><font color=red>"2 is not equal to 3, not even for large values of 2"</font color=red></b></i>
Ummm, are you guys alright in here? You do realise there's a reason why 0K has never been reached don't you? I assume you study or have studied physics to understand... Coz, if you had, you'd know that the reason 0K has never been achieved is that you CANNOT achieve it. 0K is the point at which energy doesn't exist, and i think Einstein's theory states that without energy, there is no matter... And matter cannot be destroyed (effectively what you'd therefore be doing by cooling to 0K...). Therefore if you destroyed matter, the universe would simultaneously cease to exist... Think it through... Of <b>course</b> no one has reached that temperature, they can't!

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
But if you smoke enough crack, it just SEEMS like you can achieve 0K.
But solid CO2 and liquid nitrogen are good places to start if you are short on cash. It's the struggle that counts......
It was submersed in water. DO NOT ask me how, but it was. I guess if it's not grounded out it won't blow or something.


Satan Inside™
LOL well you got some of it right. Matter <b>can</b> be destroyed, but it must release energy (chemical reactions, nuclear reactions, antimatter collisions). And stretching it even further, matter can be destroyed only if matter is created. The reason why 0 Kelvin can not be reached in theory is because every point in the universe is bombarded by some type of radiation or field. To have 0 K you have to have zero energy which is just not possible, although I think there's a theory that all matter is at zero K or suttin like that, regardless you aint gonna see zero K.

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Pure water is remarkably non-conductive to electricity. The problem is keeping it pure, which won't happen in any ordinary container for more than 5 minutes.
By the way, what clock speed/FSB have you got that Satan running at?
If I'm correct silicone loses its semi-conductive ability at around -120°C, so that point will be the max possible then.
And yes, condensation will be an issue. You'll have to insulate just about everything. But hell, that's all in the game :smile: .
Well! Excuuuuuuuuuse ME for not being a physicist. Actually I would've studied to become one had I not known their pay is lame. So, instead I did a computing degree (much easier) and became a software developer. paid much higher.

For those who are interested,
<b>The third law of thermodynamics</b>
The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a pure perfect crystal is 0 at 0 K: ? S(0K) = 0. At 0K the atoms in a pure perfect crystal are aligned perfectly and do not move. Moreover, there is no entropy of mixing since the crystal is pure. For a mixed crystal containing the atomic or molecular species A and B, there are many possible arrangements of A and B and there is therefore entropy associated with the arrangement of the atoms/molecules.

<i><b><font color=red>"2 is not equal to 3, not even for large values of 2"</font color=red></b></i>
Ok, this might surprise you... But i am not a physicist either... I know their pay is [-peep-], i'm actually a year 12 student studying physics (hence why i got bits a little screwed up) and i thought it was best to tell you that only in theory can 0K be achieved, never IRL.

That is all...

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
Hey Cool, I did A Level Physics Aswell, But I was always more interested in electronics, and structural stuff. Can't remember the module names. Nuclear stuff was a nightmare.

<i><b><font color=red>"2 is not equal to 3, not even for large values of 2"</font color=red></b></i>
I really don't mind this year's stuff, we're doing radiation and stuff, fairly easy and boring... it'll get harder eventually no doubt...

I am also doing IPT but it's starting to piss me off coz i fail the tests... they're badly written.. I should really be acing it, but no... Stupid teachers..

Anyway, yeah i wanna get into that sorta field.. probably more repairing, testing and that sorta thing...

<b><font color=blue>Note to self: Never buy <i>anything</i> without checking with <font color=red>Tom</font color=red> first...
(applied physics and I am an electrician be:pt1cable:cause it pays more) coldest temperature ever....5 nano kelvins, done with a laser. At -273° 1 amp at 40 000v would power the entire city of Toronto