[SOLVED] Looking for New PSU

I Josh I

Feb 12, 2019
Hi all!

So my current PSU is an EVGA 500 W1, 80+ WHITE 500W https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00H33SFJU/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and I was talking with some else on this forum, and he suggest I get a new PSU for my system. I have had this PSU for basically 3 years, and since then I have upgraded everything in my system. Any suggestions for a new PSU?

Here is my system:
CPU: Intel Core i7-8700 @ 3.20GHz
RAM: 16.0GB Dual-channel https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820232242
MOBO: Gigabyte B360 Arous gaming 3 https://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813145061
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
PSU: EVGA 500 W1, 80+ WHITE 500W

Any tips and suggestions are appreciated!
High quality, 550w, 80+ Gold, fully modular $91.99 CAD

Same but 650w, semi modular, $103.99 CAD

Same but 650w fully modular, $111.99 CAD

For cheaper, 550w, 80+ Bronze, non modular, $69.99 CAD

For slightly more, 620w, 80+ Bronze, non modular, $75.96 CAD
High quality, 550w, 80+ Gold, fully modular $91.99 CAD

Same but 650w, semi modular, $103.99 CAD

Same but 650w fully modular, $111.99 CAD

For cheaper, 550w, 80+ Bronze, non modular, $69.99 CAD

For slightly more, 620w, 80+ Bronze, non modular, $75.96 CAD
High quality, 550w, 80+ Gold, fully modular $91.99 CAD

Same but 650w, semi modular, $103.99 CAD

Same but 650w fully modular, $111.99 CAD

For cheaper, 550w, 80+ Bronze, non modular, $69.99 CAD

For slightly more, 620w, 80+ Bronze, non modular, $75.96 CAD

Could you explain whats the difference between 'fully modular' and 'semi modular'?
non modular is where all cables are built into the power supply and spew out everywhere.

Semi Modular is where only the basic necessary cables for motherboard and CPU power are built in and the rest is detachable, so you can pick and choose what cables you need and put away the rest so you don't have a ton of extra cables in your case that you aren't using.

And fully modular is where every single cable can be detached.
This is useful if you want to have custom sleeved cables for literally every cable that goes into your power supply.
it's all a matter of preference, doesn't make a difference in quality of the PSU or any kind of compatibility.
It's just giving you the ability to remove the non used cables that come with the power supply allowing you to clean up the cabling a bit more inside your system instead of having unused cables just sitting in there taking up space and making things ugly.
if you want to save a buck, just get the 550w corsair unit.
if you want to save a buck but have more wattage, get the 620w seasonic,

If you want higher quality start looking at the Focus Gold units I listed.

It's not that the cheaper units aren't of high quality, so don't get me wrong, they are acceptable quality and reliable, but not as new and high of quality as the Focus Gold units I listed.
Would a fully modular PSU be easier to install for someone who has never installed a PSU?

Also, I am more interested in the Gold units,. Do you have any other recommendations for gold PSU other than the one you listed? Or are those the best on the market at the moment?
those are pretty much the best bang for buck on the market right now.

There is some other options, but the price isn't going to be much different, and with the seasonic one's you are getting guaranteed quality and reliability, along with great warranty as well.
Seasonic have been in the business of making power supplies since forever, they know their stuff and they back it up with fantastic warranties.
650w is plenty, and great to have when you decide to upgrade your GPU to a more power hungry model

Like I said though, if budget is a concern and extra cables isn't, then you can save money and get the 620w

My budget is pretty large, so I think getting the gold 650 w PSU is a good investment for my system.

Also, is a full module PSU easy to install for a beginner? Compared to a non-modular PSU?
That graph puts things in more perspective. So would a PSU like the Seasonic Focus Plus 550 that you suggested, leave room in the future if I wanted to upgrade my Graphics card?

And how long would a PSU like that last for?