[SOLVED] Looking to upgrade my gaming rig to play Rust.

Jul 6, 2021
You can check the recommended specs for Rust on the Steam page for the game.
I'm not very experienced with computers, so I wanted some advice on the ideal upgrade. So far what I know is:

  1. I need an SSD.
  2. I also need more RAM (16GB)

My current specs are as follows:
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
CPU: Intel Core i5-8500 3.0Ghz
Memory: 1x8 GB DDR4 RAM HyperX Fury 2400Mhz
HDD: Toshiba P300 1TB

I'm really scared of just getting an SSD and another stick of the same RAM just for something to end up not working or underperforming. Can anyone please give me some tips on what would be the ideal upgrade for my system? There's no exact price range, but I would appreciate to just get what's necessary or recommended so I can run Rust without any issues.
For 1080p gaming...I think you should be all set with an SSD and 16 GB memory.
Your GPU is great for 1080p gaming.
Your CPU is fine for your GPU.
If you are going for more than 1080p gaming....then that would be different.
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Make and model of your PSU and it's age? If you want to upgrade your ram, you will need to find the exact same stick of ram. If you think that's too tall of an order, you should invest in a dual channel ram kit and use that in place of that single stick of ram. For your SSD, I'd look into a Samsung 970 Evo Plus or any other PCIe 3.0x4 NVMe drive of at least 256/500GB. Prior to any upgrades, I'd advise you to make sure your motherboard is on the latest BIOS version. What sort of a budget do you have to work with, what is your preferred site for purchase and where are you located?
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

Make and model of your PSU and it's age? If you want to upgrade your ram, you will need to find the exact same stick of ram. If you think that's too tall of an order, you should invest in a dual channel ram kit and use that in place of that single stick of ram. For your SSD, I'd look into a Samsung 970 Evo Plus or any other PCIe 3.0x4 NVMe drive of at least 256/500GB. Prior to any upgrades, I'd advise you to make sure your motherboard is on the latest BIOS version. What sort of a budget do you have to work with, what is your preferred site for purchase and where are you located?
I'm not sure about the age of the PSU, but it's an EVGA 450B 80+ Bronze 450W.
I could very easily find the same stick of RAM. That's not a problem at all.
I'll look into the SSD you recommended, thanks for the suggestion. I'll probably get a 500GB SSD since I use hardly any space even on the 1TB HDD I have.
I am pretty sure the motherboard is on the latest BIOS, I remember updating it not too long ago.
I'm not sure how well the prices convert over to USD, but I live in Brazil and I get around 58 dollars a month to spend on anything. If that's too little, I could save up some money. I normally buy computer related things from KaBuM, Pichau and Mercado Livre.
For 1080p gaming...I think you should be all set with an SSD and 16 GB memory.
Your GPU is great for 1080p gaming.
Your CPU is fine for your GPU.
If you are going for more than 1080p gaming....then that would be different.
I'm on 1080p 165hz, but I don't really care about getting consistent 165+ FPS, anything above 60 is fine.
You can check the recommended specs for Rust on the Steam page for the game.
I'm not very experienced with computers, so I wanted some advice on the ideal upgrade. So far what I know is:

  1. I need an SSD.
  2. I also need more RAM (16GB)
My current specs are as follows:
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060
CPU: Intel Core i5-8500 3.0Ghz
Memory: 1x8 GB DDR4 RAM HyperX Fury 2400Mhz
HDD: Toshiba P300 1TB

I'm really scared of just getting an SSD and another stick of the same RAM just for something to end up not working or underperforming. Can anyone please give me some tips on what would be the ideal upgrade for my system? There's no exact price range, but I would appreciate to just get what's necessary or recommended so I can run Rust without any issues.
You have the wrong speed ram.
You want 2666 not 2400.
Shop for a 2x8GB@2666 kit.

As for the ssd keep it simple shop for a 2.5 sata ssd.