Lost Favorites



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

All of my Favorites (Bookmarks) have disappeared from Internet
Explorer. There are 2 directories, with the usual Star icon, on my
hard drive, but I guess they're not where they need to be.

From where does IE get it's Favorites?
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)

Normally they're located in Documents and Settings\<username>\Favorites. Unless you've used TweakUI or another Tweaking program to point to a different location.

Doug Knox, MS-MVP Windows Media Center\Windows Powered Smart Display\Security
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"Dick Reuben" <dickre@comcast.net> wrote in message news:4ibeh1lkoe7oh3j3vck6n7as7fj8p41p1h@4ax.com...
> All of my Favorites (Bookmarks) have disappeared from Internet
> Explorer. There are 2 directories, with the usual Star icon, on my
> hard drive, but I guess they're not where they need to be.
> From where does IE get it's Favorites?