
Feb 1, 2021
Hi I'm receiving substandard FPS whilst using my new RTX 3080.
I recently purchased it to replace my GTX 1080 sniper card expecting to boost my FPS in games such as VALORANT, PUBG, Counter Strike etc, Mainly FPS games.
But I've noticed once I upgraded to this card It's literally stayed the same FPS I was getting from my 1080 with maybe a minor boost, but still fluctuates around 200 fps in VALORANT which since I recently purchased a 360Hz monitor to pair the 3080 card with. Pretty bummed about this outcome and I'm seeing a few threads saying the same thing.

These are my specs -
CPU: Intel Core i9 9900K 8 Core LGA 1151 3.6GHz CPU Processor
RAM: 32GB DDR4 - x4 Kingston 8GB 2400MHz DDR4 Non-ECC CL17 DIMM 1Rx8
PSU: EVGA 750W SuperNOVA GA 80+ Gold Power Supply
MOTHERBOARD: Gigabyte Z390M Gaming ATX LGA1151 Motherboard

I've tried overclocking my GPU and it's given me the same FPS.
I even played Counter Strike Source and got 280 FPS on it (Release date: 7 Oct 2004 )
I'm not quite sure if this is just due to the games I'm trying or I just got a bad card.
Anyway, It says I'm getting only slightly below average on this test: 3DMARK

Not sure what to do. I've set the priority for these games to Realtime in task manager.
I've set all the power options I know of to high performance.
My GPU only utilizes 20% and my CPU ~30% Memory usage is low also.
Any suggestions would be helpful :)
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Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

How old is the PSU mentioned in the post above? Did you try making sure your BIOS is up to date? Did you remove your prior GPU drivers using DDU before you removed the GTX1080 from the system? Did you reinstall the drivers with the latest off of Nvidia's support site and install that in an elevated command, i.e, Right click installer>Run as Administrator?

What are the spec to your rams used in the build?
Those games are very cpu dependent so it’s possible your limitation was never the gpu. I notice your RAM is very slow, it’s running at 2400mhz which will impact performance. Is it rated for higher or is it only 2400mhz?

Total cpu usage is fairly meaningless, are any individual cores or threads hitting or close to 100% while in those games? Have you overclocked your cpu?

If you haven’t overclocked your gpu then don’t worry about that score. You are being compared to people who will have overclocked their 3080’s.
How old is the PSU mentioned in the post above?
I received the PSU brand new today, I haven't tried Updating my BIOS.

Did you remove your prior GPU drivers using DDU before you removed the GTX1080 from the system? Did you reinstall the drivers with the latest off of Nvidia's support site and install that in an elevated command, i.e, Right click installer>Run as Administrator?
I did remove my GPU and replace it with my new one without uninstalling the prior cards drivers. Since I haven't done that how would I approach fixing that?

What are the spec to your rams used in the build?
Kingston 8GB 2400MHz DDR4 Non-ECC CL17 DIMM 1Rx8 x4 of them

You’re using a 3080 in 1080p?

have you tried Pubg in 1080p and 1440p, to see if there is an fps change?
Those games are very cpu dependent so it’s possible your limitation was never the gpu. I notice your RAM is very slow, it’s running at 2400mhz which will impact performance. Is it rated for higher or is it only 2400mhz?
- I thought so too, But I assumed an Intel Core i9 9900K 8 Core LGA 1151 3.6GHz CPU Processor, Wouldn't be a bottleneck? I haven't tried overclocking the CPU. It is a 9900K so It's worth a shot.
I think your resolution is your issue here. As already stated, these are some cpu heavy games, the cpu is already working hard to load the game, but at 1080p you are keeping workload on the cpu.

In theory, if it it what i suspect... going to 1440p should increase your fps, as the workload should be more evenly spread.
I think your resolution is your issue here. As already stated, these are some cpu heavy games, the cpu is already working hard to load the game, but at 1080p you are keeping workload on the cpu.

In theory, if it it what i suspect... going to 1440p should increase your fps, as the workload should be more evenly spread.
If cpu limited going to 1440p will not have any material impact on the FPS, it won’t increase FPS. It will increase how much of the gpu is utilised.
In theory, if it it what i suspect... going to 1440p should increase your fps, as the workload should be more evenly spread.
I just tried running at 1440p: The frames stayed the same. Unless I'm doing this wrong - I created a custom resolution in Nvidia Control panel and set valorants video settings to the same res
I think your resolution is your issue here. As already stated, these are some cpu heavy games, the cpu is already working hard to load the game, but at 1080p you are keeping workload on the cpu.

In theory, if it it what i suspect... going to 1440p should increase your fps, as the workload should be more evenly spread.
"In theory, if it it what i suspect... going to 1440p should increase your fps, as the workload should be more evenly spread."

WRONG. It will increase workload on GPU but it is not going to increase fps. Why would it?
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I only questioned because you said “ going to 1440p should increase your fps” and that is not correct.
Staying around the same, but at a higher res is an improvement i meant. Personally i get higher fps on holdfast at 1440p than 1080p.

maybe pixels per second, would have been a better term to use.
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"In theory, if it it what i suspect... going to 1440p should increase your fps, as the workload should be more evenly spread."

WRONG. It will increase workload on GPU but it is not going to increase fps. Why would it?
Because if a cpu is maxed out working on the game and leaving the gpu essentially idle... lifting that strain from the cpu and adding it to the gpu, allows the cpu to get the next frames ready. Although maybe not so much in this case, as the cpu and gpu are well balanced, in an unbalanced pairing, such as an i5-7600 with 3080 for example. 1440p can very well have an fps increase (maybe not significant one, but an increase nonetheless and at a higher res.)
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Did you try making sure your BIOS is up to date? Did you remove your prior GPU drivers using DDU before you removed the GTX1080 from the system? Did you reinstall the drivers with the latest off of Nvidia's support site and install that in an elevated command, i.e, Right click installer>Run as Administrator?
I've just completed updating my BIOS, and reinstalling nvidia experience and reinstalling the latest driver through that. Nothing.. feelsbadman
Is your RAM set up in dual channel? 2400 is a bit slow even for an Intel cpu

Nevermind just saw you have 4 sticks of 8GB. Still, the speed is slow. Shouldnt be that much of an issue but I'd get faster RAM whenever possible
Is your RAM set up in dual channel? 2400 is a bit slow even for an Intel cpu

Nevermind just saw you have 4 sticks of 8GB. Still, the speed is slow. Shouldnt be that much of an issue but I'd get faster RAM whenever possible
Ik, I agree. I've just overclocked my CPU and there's no performance increase either. I'm kinda stumped 😕 I guess It's just hardware?
Faster ram won't increase it that much; that's like asking for a miracle...

I recently purchased it to replace my GTX 1080 sniper card expecting to boost my FPS in games such as VALORANT, PUBG, Counter Strike etc, Mainly FPS games.
With pretty much all of these fast paced shooters, most turn down the eye candy. The advantage from doing so doesn't come from the gpu, but cpu + ram.
Overclocking the gpu doesn't fix it when it wasn't the problem to begin with:
3080: "I'm doing my thing already. Can you, uhh... get everyone else to get on my level, or something? I don't have that much to do here..."
Similarly to another thread here, I'm wondering why it's saying your PCIe interface is running at x4 3.0. If that is accurate info. What other PCIe devices do you have plugged in and at which slots on the mobo? I could be wrong here, but it might be that the PCIe speed is the bottleneck here.
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Similarly to another thread here, I'm wondering why it's saying your PCIe interface is running at x4 3.0. If that is accurate info. What other PCIe devices do you have plugged in and at which slots on the mobo? I could be wrong here, but it might be that the PCIe speed is the bottleneck here.
That looks normal most of the time it throttles down like that. If he clicks the Blue ? it should kick up to X16.

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