Question Low GPU Clock Speed.

Jun 2, 2021
I have a zotac geforce gtx 1060 6gb amp edition.
cpu: i5-8400
ram: 16gb
I am using msi afterburner and realized my gpu clock speed is 139mhz and my memory clock speed was 310. I flashed my gpu bios because i heard that fixes the issue at hand when you first get your gpu. That fixed the memory clock speed for me but my core clock speed is staying at 139 mhz and wont move at all.
Went here and saw a post to go to the nvidia control panel and to turn power management mode to high performace and reboot.
That still didnt work. Is my gpu just broken or is there a way to fix this that i just dont know about.
What are you running? If you are just looking at the GPU speed while the GPU is just sitting there, that is normal, a power saving feature.

Put a load on the GPU and it will boost up as temperature allows.
im trying to mine with the card. If i try to mine or even if i try to play a game it just stays at 139 mhz
Well your BIOS flash might be the wrong one. Fire up GPU-Z and see what the device ID is, and then search for a compatible BIOS that way.

You could also lay out everything you know and have done.

Did you perform any standard test with the GPU before flashing it?
What gave you the idea there was a problem with the memory/clock speed to begin with?
What was the original vBIOS? Did you keep a copy?
What vBIOS did you flash to it?

Is the card legitimate?
I would start by resolving that first. Confirming which GPU you actually do have, and find the right BIOS. Sometimes you can swap them around for different OC profiles, but not always.
the sticker on the gpu says zotac geforce gtx 1060 6gb amp edition. It also has two fans with the card so i dont think its the mini version. Should i try to mini bios?

Edit: Just used HWiNFO and it says my gpu is Zotac GeForce GTX 1060 AMP!/Mini???
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I mean, if it is that model, it is rather small. That could qualify as Mini.

However, you haven't mentioned which vBIOS you had and which you flashed to the card. Getting it to mis-identify itself is certainly possible.

Device ID should remain fixed. What is it?
Where will i find the device id?
I dont know which vbios i had and the bios i flashed to the card was
Zotac GTX 1060 6 GB BIOS
(AMP! Edition)
I did copy the bios before I flashed it though