[SOLVED] Low Ping, Great Frames, Terrible Latency


Jun 1, 2016
Hardware list:
i7 8700K
16GB ram
Gigabit internet through Rogers, connected via ethernet.

So as of late, I have been having really bad latency in games. In particular, the two games I play are Rocket League and Rainbow 6 Siege. My ping in game is almost always a flat 32-36, however for whatever reason, my latency is terrible. In Siege, every 5-10 seconds I get rubber banded, and in Rocket League more or less the same thing, except it feels less drastic (though it still shows my latency spiking). I am absolutely lost, no idea why this keeps happening. No idea what to do, any of you got hints?
So you ran a tool that give you a fancy graph that tells you what you already know. It does not tell why it is happening. The ISP will just blame the site or maybe your pc

So now you must prove to your ISP that it is their issue and they will not take some magic tool that says "its the ISP fault"

So run tracert to some ip like, you can use the game server if you really want but hopefully it won't matter.

Now run constant ping to hop1, this is your router. If you see no issues here then open another cmd window and run constant ping to hop 2 this is the ISP router that connects to your hosue. Leave the first one run at the same time. What you hope is you see no loss in hop1 but loss in hop 2. This pretty much...

I was testing my packet loss on this site: https://packetlosstest.com/
What I found was that when I ran the test for 10 seconds, regardless of size of packet, that more often than not I got 0% packet loss, and the odd time, near the end it would just drop and I would end up with something like 10-15%.

Then I tested it multiple times on 45 seconds, which had obviously 4.5x the packets, and it dropped every time around the 20-30% line, resulting in 70+% of packet loss. It would not continue downloading or uploading, it just stopped sending packets altogether.

I also contacted my ISP, and they said that there did not seem to be any issues on their end.

In regards to the tests I ran, I took some screenshots to show the results. Somewhere in those images is an answer I am hoping someone can decipher for me.

Link to images:
View: https://imgur.com/a/AIqZl5F
So you ran a tool that give you a fancy graph that tells you what you already know. It does not tell why it is happening. The ISP will just blame the site or maybe your pc

So now you must prove to your ISP that it is their issue and they will not take some magic tool that says "its the ISP fault"

So run tracert to some ip like, you can use the game server if you really want but hopefully it won't matter.

Now run constant ping to hop1, this is your router. If you see no issues here then open another cmd window and run constant ping to hop 2 this is the ISP router that connects to your hosue. Leave the first one run at the same time. What you hope is you see no loss in hop1 but loss in hop 2. This pretty much proves it is the connection to your house.

If both these are good it gets more complex. You need to keep adding hops until you find it but if the router causing the issue is in another ISP you are not going to get it fixed easily.

It may also only happen when the game is running so you can run these in the background. The goal is still the same but you have to be careful. Loss and delay is expected on hop2 if you are near or exceeding the bandwith you have purchased. Try to verify that you are not using all your download or upload rates. It shouldn't unless you have a tiny internet connection.
if you made your buffer 0 this would happen. normally the isp sets the buffer size on downloads so it's very odd that you don't have any latency increase. all packets are dropped when they can't get sent which is why you get rubber banding. normally all packets get dropped after the buffer is filled. the buffered packets are where you see the latency increases. either way the bufferbloat is caused by hitting a bottleneck. if you are downloading or uploading while playing it will cause it.