Man-made Global Warming proven to be a hoax

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The only ice in danger of melting is already floating. And as we should all know a volume of water will not change just because ice changes form (Archimedes' principle of buoyancy). If ALL the floating ice melted tomorrow, the oceans would see no change in surface level.

Grounded ice (98% of all ice) will take thousands of years to melt.

Ho Ho Ho right back to you. You are making me smile with your assumption that I'm blind to any American pollution. Did I state anywhere in my post that America doesn't pollute? I simply stated it is one of the greatest supporters of pollution control. And you're posting about exported electronic junk by a single waste company doesn't exactly do much to refute my point.

I'm wondering if you even read the rest of my post or not?


I can't just type 3 letters and call it at that. I quickly checked his post logs and "yup" showed up quite often.

True, a giant tsunami would ruin quite a few people's day or week maybe :). However the Yellowstone supervolcano would probably do more damage if it let loose:

Maybe we should all just pack our bags and MOVE to a new Earth. 😛

True, but if you believe in an anthropomorphic universe, then it was inevitable that just the right circumstances to promote human intelligence would occur 😀. Circular reasoning, if you ask me...

Personally I believe that science & technology is the way out, both for the near term and far future. In the near term, solar, nuclear (safe fission and clean fusion), cheap biofuels and geothermal (coupled with 10x battery performance improvement plus 10x cost reduction) is the way to go. I'd be willing to support a 10% gasoline tax to fund more rapid development, and diversify the research out of the present-day energy companies whom I believe have a vested interest in the current status.

For the far term, I'd like to see some terraforming efforts, such as slamming icy comets into Mars & the Moon, and possibly Venus as well, to move them into more favorable orbits plus give them the beginnings of a water-vapor/oxygen atmosphere. Venus may be a lost cause due to all the sulphuric acid, but sending 10K comets or so to slam into the upper atmosphere and gradually scoop out the CO2 and sulphur and send it into the Sun (or Mercury :)) might work. Anyway, putting Mars and Venus into the L3 60-degree stable orbits around Earth would moderate both their climates. The Moon would be OK in Earth's neighborhood, just moved out a wee bit to account for the extra water mass. If they could give it a perfect 30-day orbit, then maybe we'd switch to the standard 30-day month calendar, with 5 weeks each having 6 days, 2 of which are weekend days! :). Personally I'd vote Mondays off the new calendar 😀.

If there were other life out there, Id think theyd be sending out signals, so seti could find them, because if they were highly advanced, theyd still send any signal thats retrievable

If you recall the movie Contact, we've only been sending out radio & TV signals with decent strength for about 75 years, so giving the aliens 5 years to decide if and how to respond to us, that means a 35 light year radius give or take. Not a whole lot of Earth-type planets in that small a volume (179,594 cubic lightyears), with an average sun-like star in every 525 cubic light years...

Im hoping greenland does melt, so we can find more viking settlement.
And for the theory of the cold water effecting the atlantic flow, the original theory was a huge.massive, gigantic amount of water being released all at once, thus changing the temps of the atlantic and stallijng its flow.
Like I said, its a theory, tho can be explained in other ways.
So, no stalling going to happen this time, much like before the mini ice age were just now leaving, just maybe to be able to call greenland again for its namesake

Well the Greenlanders might have a thing or two to say about their ice sheet melting 😀. And what about Iceland?? From the Wiki article, if the sea level did rise 21 ft. most of Greenland would be a bunch of archipelagoes, at least until the land rebounded from the weight of the ice on top of it...
I believe in creation, not luck.
I dont oppose the idea of other life at all, thus my earlier reference to CS Lewis' science fiction works.
I also belive in a modicum of evolution, nothing huge, but small adaptability.
I find it interesting that all lizards today crawl upon the ground, with their bellies touching it, and eating the dust of the ground as well, and somehow, all the previous types ofthese animals walked upright, and are no longer to be seen.
I also find it interesting that a country can produce an army of 200 milliom men today as well.
What I find most interesting is, alot of our current "saviours" dont believe in scince any longer , but we need to limit ourselves as the only option, whether its populations, using resources, or whatever.
The above are whats stolen the global warming topic IMO, and they simply shouldnt be allowed to be the talking point masters of this subject, period.
I think we can do whatever we need to do to make things work out. I believe we have all the materials here to do so.
Whether we allow ourselves the time to do so is the real question, not whether its possible or not.
When people take up a small POV, and champion it, ignoring vast amounts of information, we need to ignore them.
Ive embraced alot of things that some would call non belief subjects, but again, Ive never closed my mind to them either, it just doesnt ever work the other way around I find, and its rare when I do find someone open minded, even to the point of creation
Found this interesting, especially now that the cats outta the bag on all the lies and promotion, looks like its time for some damage control, they just upped the ante
New computer modeling suggests the Arctic Ocean may be nearly ice-free in the summertime as early as 2014, Al Gore said Monday at the U.N. climate conference. This new projection, following several years of dramatic retreat by polar sea ice, suggests that the ice cap may nearly vanish in the summer much sooner than the year 2030, as was forecast by a U.S. government agency eight months ago.
An ice free Arctic in 5 years? Absolutely BS. Completely. I cannot even imagine a scientist making such claim with a straight face. The SEM must be extreme and accounted.

Also note the rate of sea level increase. So much for that 66 meter increase. Even at the worst case scenario present in that article, it would take over 20,000 years to hit 66 meters. But that assumes a constant year on year worst case.
A couple of years back they "found" some old naval logs from Nelsons day and also cook - and because they charted their journeys in great detail it also showed climate / weather patterns..... and guess what ? they had evidence of warming.... and sicne then we have had cold snaps too.

The motives are clear, get people to slow the usage of our limited fossile fuels, and theyre using scare tactics and some science plus politicking to push the innitiative.
Without our fossile fuels, our current lifestyles will get pushed back to early 20th century standards. They all know this, and so far, theres been little for alternatives.
If the advanced countries slow down, it only allows for the poorer less advanced ones to catch up, which is somewhat of what were seeing now, but itll only escalate.
So, by advancing this theory, they can try to get the less advanced countries to play along, and slow their growth as well, which is backfiring on them severly, as Africa has stepped away, and China and India hasnt complied either.
The world does appear to be warming, but if they expect me to be so foolish to listen to their tripe, theyre wasting their air.
You know, sometimes i despair about humanity. Seriously.

I DO believe in Global Warming and i DO believe it's man-made. The hacking of these e-mails should never have happened, as the information should have been freely available in the first place, however, their release doesn't mean that climate change is by any stretch of the imagination a 'hoax'.

The thing about this whole argument is that if people like me, who believe that change should happen and that we are changing the climate, are wrong we lose some growth in economies around the world, but gain an understanding that, heck, maybe we can get away with a little more than we thought.

But if people who deny climate change is happening are wrong, and this sh*t is happening, we are all boned. I mean that we'll lose nations to a rise in sea level from melting galciers and the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica (They ARE melting, well at least Greenland is, as it has lost 1500 cubic KILOMETRES of ice between 200 and 2008.) and it won't just be the small island nations of the pacific and indian oceans, huge swathes of Bangladesh will be lost, along with areas of the Netherlands, the UK and large parts of Florida to name some areas.

Thats not including the famines, mass migration and, in all probability, wars as a result. The effects to people across the world will be huge.

It's views like this that are stopping progress being made, and the consequences for people who don't believe in climate change being wrong are far more negative than the consequences for the people who do believe being wrong.
No, views like this are to point out, before we invest trillions of dollars, lets be sure its man made and not mother nature, as this has happened many times in the past, and the rising waters never got so high as that, and theres proofs of much lower water levels as well.
My guess is, since we know theres alot of sunken structures along coastlines, ancient ones, much of the rising oceans have already occured, and it hasnt stopped, but wont much higher.
If all these changes have happened in the past, why not take a broader look at them, and see before we make such drastic changes, because I believe ultimately it for conservation of fuels, not temps thats driving this whole thing.

The issue is that, by the time that everyone is happy that its man made it will be far to late too act (that is assuming that everyone will accept it, which seems unlikely). The trillions invested in new technologies to fight this would indeed have been invested elsewhere but that seems like a nationalist arguement (not as in fascist but fighting for your own country) when this should be seen of as a global crisis and dealt with as such.

Are you really willing to gamble the entire planet just for a couple of percent more growth? Are you really willing to give the generations that follow a whole host of avoidable problems?

The sceptics being wrong would bring more disasterous consequences than the believers being wrong.
Yes I am, as a few percent of growth vs trillions spent on non performing things, taxes mostly, and whos to say those tax dollars will ever reach their goals, or end points, and will ever end? And the huge losses of jobs etc etc
Let me ask, are you willing to go to war for oil? If not, then to me its the same thing.
If you think we can change the climate in such a short period by only our means, what about volcanos? They do more in a short period than we do all year.
So, having a heavy volcanic period should have caused this several times worse and many times beofre.
If its too late, its too late in my mind, and theres nothing we can do anyways, and since it seems theyre constantly cranking up the numbers, making it happen earlier and earlier, and they said awhiles back itd be too late if we didnt act soon, well soon has come and gone, especially since its only gotten worse, as weve directed most of our manu towards China and India, where their power usage is many many times worse for pollutants than the US or the EU.
So with this escalation, even higher than projected in our own pollutions, plus its happening according to them faster than predicted, and previously claiming itd have to be done soon, by 2020, its like wed have to comp[letely shut down everything for 50 years, so yea, your few % is now most, not a few.
Time will tell, and as Im sure its about nature only, not man, and our fuel resources and not about our contributions of a natual scenario, itll play itself out, and then what?
If theyre wrong? Kill them all? Because just as surely as if theyre right, if theyre wrong, itll mean deaths for many people

Really? You'd be that short-sighted? Would you go to Las Vegas with the deeds to your house, your car keys and having sold all your possessions and go to the roulette table and say "put it all on 12"?

Taxes are not non-performing, they pay for defence, social services, emergency services, education and in many countries healthcare.

Many people who would be out of a job would be quickly back in employment in other areas. If you lost you job, say, drilling for oil, you would be able to use those skills to help retrieve geothermal power. Building cars? Well you still will, just not cars that have combustion engines.

I am not willing to go to war for oill, but i cannot see how this draws a comparison between CC believers and CC sceptics. A war for oil is, for the most part, confined to the middle east, and as such is localised, whereas this is a GLOBAL problem. Maybe you could explain how you feel the two relate, which would help me understand you point a bit better? (there may be a delay in response because i'm not in the US)

Volcanoes are a natural cycle, which is pretty constant, and before we started pumping CO2 into the atmosphere it would have been in a relative equilibrium, after a huge catastrophic reaction, like Krakatoa, it would have maybe taken a decade to readdress the balance, but it was rebalanced. (What would you count as a short period if you call a year something else? 😉 ) They can do more in a year than we can, but this would be rebalanced for the vast majority of the time, and as such only a few extinctions have been blamed on mass volcanic eruptions. And a heavy volcanic period could cause this (what we are seeing today). But i don't see that recently at all. We've had large eruptions in the last century but not, I feel (citation VERY much needed) enough to be any different from the Century before or the century before that.

They are'cranking up the numbers' mainly because politicians will stretch deadlines farther that they should go, and that computer modelling have improved dramatically. Hugely. Massively. I mean it like comparing an amoeba to an lion. But i digress.

The power usage PER CAPITA is very small in India and China, but it is an issue. However, they argue, quite rightly if CO2 were harmless to the climate, that developed nations have been allowed to pump huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere via industrialisation and deforestation, so why can we not do the same. The power usage, and as such CO2 emissions, are a hell of a lot smaller than the per capita for European countries and pales into insignificance compared to the CO2 emissions of each American. China and India will also be countries that feel the effect of the warming, as it will likely knock out the central farmland of China and definately effect the monsoons in India. (That's not to say that the developed nations won't be affected (see earlier post))

Their CO2 emissions must be curbed but developed nations should lead the way and be an example for others to follow. I don't follow you on how we'd have to shut down completely for 50 years (and if we shut down completely it would be ALL not most), as this is obsurd. Economic growth will be reduced, flattened, or negative, but we'd never have to shut down every industry, and shut them down for 50 years would be crazy and as such will never happen.

Time will tell indeed, but hopefully we will stop this. Are you saying that we should not conserve our fuel resources? Because that's surely a ridiculous thing, as everything should be conserved as by definition resources are finite and human greed is infinite. This should be allowed to play itself out, because we've caused it and by gosh we can change it back. It'll be hard. We'll lose some percent in growth. But who cares if it stops this madness. Growth has done little to help the poorer people of the world until now, so it wouldn't be any different in the future.

And... i don't get your last point... I'm certainly not endorsing genocide if that's what you're talking about. If whose wrong the sceptics or the believers or...? I don't feel that stopping this will lead to deaths on the scale we'd see if we don't.

It is very funny that I know so much about you that you could think i'm the CIA.

You are a hard-core republican OR libertarian, you have not completed high-school education, and you believe everything your favourite politician (looks like GW) says. You even support the war in Iraq because you think that the oil that comes from there is cheap. And you are a church-going citizen living in the Bible Belt. You are 20, and you are thoroughly brainwashed by your pastor/TV/politician/parents. Your parents drive an SUV and a pick-up, and you want a 5.0L V8 F-150 when you grow up (never). You watch Fox "News", and the second channel of choice is CNN for you.

FACT: CO2 interacts with water to produce H2CO3, an acid that depletes calcite shells of marine animals, and marble of statues and buildings.

FACT: Last 20 years were the hottest on record

FACT: A billion cubic miles of ice melted. Since you do not have an education, when ice melts it suck in A LOT of heat. Try holding an ice cube in your hand 'till it melts. THAT is the heatsink that earth has, and that is the reason why the temps haven't gone up much.

FACT: The CO2 concentration increased from 310 ppm in 1960 to 380 ppm today.

FACT: humans produce 100 times more CO2 than the volcanoes..

I fail to see the logic of conservative arguments. A couple of scientists fudging some data and the whole science of climate change is now bunk. Yet things like deregulation, market models, and derivatives are shown to be worthless time after time and yet there is still someone stupid enough to believe that they are good. Who the hell considers a "East Anglia University" the sole champion of all there is to climate change science? I never even heard of them if it weren't for the whole leak issue. Besides, seems like that someone with your attitude but with a bit more brain decided to hack a Climate research computers. Has a thought (I know, those are sure hard to come by) entered your mind that any emails can be changed at will?

I don't believe in man-made climate change. It's a fact, unlike someone you pray to.

Might want to redo the math on that one.

Earth is only comprised of 260 billion total cubic miles. 1 billion cubic miles of ice doesn't even exist on Earth. Much less have recently melted.

There are only 7.3 million cubic miles of ice.

Beat me to it Viper. Also, dsolom3, i know you think you helping the cause, but bashing someones religion is likely to reduce the sway of your arguments. For future reference.

Also, East Anglia University is one of the leading Universities when it comes to climate research. This isn't some random university with no involvement in the debate.

P.S. Hate to go against someone whose trying to help but... yea....
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