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Barbara Needham wrote:
> massivegrooves <> wrote:
>>The Qurqirish Dragon wrote:
>>>What have they (or anyone) been playing recently? If you have one of
>>>those holiday demo disks with the Viewtiful Joe, I think the demo
>>>accidentally erased memory cards.
>>Yep, that is something that I thought of when reading it. Though in that
>>case it came up that you needed to reformat your card. So that is what
>>really made you lose all your saes. That is not mentioned in this case.
>>I suffered from that freakin' VJ bullshit. Never will put a demo disc in
>>again and leave my memory card in there...not going to even chance that
>>If the saves are just magically disappearing then I have no clue, never
>>seen or heard of that before. Is there a chance that someone is not
>>properly saving the game to start with, or thinks they are and not
>>actually...maybe something along those lines. Only thing that would make
>>sense to me would be some sort of user error being the problem.
> First they thought it was user error as other people had been over. Then
> it happened a second time and my son-in-law lost all his baseball and
> football games... and no one had been there at that time. I was thinking
> that maybe if they re-formatted the card it might help.
> I'll ask if they ran any demo at all...
> They do have a three year old who loves to push buttons but I don't
> think the controllers were available to her; I'll check that too.
> Thanks everyone for your answers. That was my daughter's first question,
> if I'd ever heard of that happening.
If it continues with no explaination then the best bet would be to
likely replace that memory card. Glad to try and help...