Question Memory leak - - cannot perform Windows updates - - FPS drops ?


Mar 19, 2020
My pc has recently started to mess up, that being my memory is slowly going up by 1 percent overtime the longer i keep my pc on until it reaches 100 percent. When it reaches that point the games i play and simple tasks on the pc become near enough impossible. I get fps drops in games and stuttering, forcing me to reset my pc each time.

I researched about it and can only put it down to a memory leak.

I also cannot perform my windows updates, i get this error each time i try - (0x80070003)

I recently created a partition on my main drive because i had this problem before with my windows updates before and i had to run a few cmds in the cmd box. But now the same problem has came back.

Im not sure if the two are linked, my memory and the windows updates but i cant seem to do neither.

I also cannot run the memory diagnostic as that also comes up with an error, the same for resetting the pc fully.

Any suggestions would be great thanks


Jul 16, 2024
Not sure the two are directly related. Have you done a checkdisk and sfc scan? Also is the SSD near full or have TRIM disabled?

For the windows updates you can use wsusoffline to do the update instead. But if you have a dodgy/ full drive then it will add to your problems


Mar 19, 2020
Not sure the two are directly related. Have you done a checkdisk and sfc scan? Also is the SSD near full or have TRIM disabled?

For the windows updates you can use wsusoffline to do the update instead. But if you have a dodgy/ full drive then it will add to your problems
i have done a chkdsk and a sfc scan yes. Both are clear. My drive is just under 2TB and i still have a 1TB to use so its no where near full.

EDIT: TRIM is disabled, should i enable it?
Run memtest86+
It boots from a usb stick and does not use windows.
You can download it here:

If you can run a full pass with NO errors, your ram should be ok.

Running several more passes will sometimes uncover an issue, but it takes more time.
Probably not worth it unless you really suspect a ram issue.

TRIM should be enabled for a SSD.
You are probably running an app that has a memory leak.
Look in your installed programs list and uninstall anything you do not need or can't identify.
Run malwarebytes to check for malware.

disable suspect apps. discord for example.