
Aug 14, 2018
Hi all,

I have an issue with micro sd 64gb memory card. I had 2 cards with same issues but managed to fix one.

The card is not detected in windows 10 but can see it in partition software and disk management. It says it is using gpt and one of my issues is making it mbr as this seemed to fix the previous micro sd card. I keep trying to delete the volume on the card and convert from gpt to mbr. On the several partition software programs i have tried doing this it says the operation was successful but on inspection the card is still gpt and has not had the volume deleted to ‘unallocated space’. I have also tried doing the operations with diskpart but have not been successful.

I think that maybe somehow the card is write protected and that is the issue with being unable to complete any disk operations such as deleting, convert gpt to mbr, making the drive fat32 or exfat. I was able to do this with the other card i salvaged but not with this one. Does anyone know any tricks of the trade to fix this? i think mainly helping to take off the write protect, if this is causing the problem it could help, can’t seem to get it to work even in diskpart by taking off write properties. It does say it is completing the task but it isn’t on inspection. In fact all the operations are saying that the disk is being deleted, converted and so on successfully but in fact it is not in all the software i am using.

I have no idea which of my equipment converted it to gpt or if i purchased it that way, but i think gpt is causing windows 10 not detecting it or being able to format it so that it works in windows 10.

Thanks for any help in advance!
hi, thank you for the reply @popatim - i have tried what you have suggested but it did not work. i checked the card again after but it does not say it has unallocated space. The card is behaving like it is write protected and i can not make any changes to this. i have tried taking write protect off in diskpart and checked the physical adapter is set correctly.
thanks again @popatim.