Microsoft, BioWare Argue Over 'Always Online' Console

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This basically confirms that the PS4 will out sell the 720 if for no other reason than the online requirement. The only advantage xbox had was windows live which was supposedly better than PSN, but the price really negated that anyway. So now playstation beats xbox in every category and the only thing that can save them is the rumored illumi-room thing.
yep, there will always be people who pirate but when you add DRM, you only increase the number of pirates. so yea, piracy may have come first but it was only a minute fraction of the people, and in trying to get rid of those people, they started a cycle where they push more people to piracy, which causes even more DRM. The only DRM that I can agree with somewhat are the ones that stop unintentional piracy, eg a CD check, but nothing that will link my ability to play or install the game, to a 3rd party DRM server.
I'll never buy another Microsoft console. Ever. The exclusives aren't worth it and Live isn't really that good that you should have to pay for it. Steam does everything Live does, and does it better for free.

Well, MS will have to "#dealwithit" when they don't get my money.

Guys and girls, talk with your wallets and send a big message to Publishers and MS about stupid draconian DRM. Do not support those games (and console in this case) so they realize how stupid it is.

And I'm really curious if the Publishers themselves haven't been played dumb by third party companies promising about DRM solving their issues and wasting money instead of making more. They should take a closer look at that instead of just blaming "piracy"; it's becoming a pretty stupid argument after all the "you not play used games; not fair :sadface:".

In recent years almost every time there was a public outcry about something with Microsoft products, Microsoft moved to solve it. I imagine that this case won't be any different, and by the time the new Xbox is out this will be tweaked to work for most people.
this is clever marketing on microsoft's part. it brings attention to those who are against it who would be unwilling to give it a chance from the get go, and later they will announce how they scrap the always-on idea, even in reality it never was a thing. this is just a massive PR stunt, and i've heard companies doing it left and right in recent years.

lie about your product and talk about a really negative aspect about it. push it and let people fight it. "scrap" the idea. gain sales. brilliant.
[citation][nom]ET3D[/nom]In recent years almost every time there was a public outcry about something with Microsoft products, Microsoft moved to solve it. I imagine that this case won't be any different, and by the time the new Xbox is out this will be tweaked to work for most people.[/citation]
but that's the brilliance of it! microsoft is just pulling a stunt to increase hype and gain sales through "satsifying the public"
[citation][nom]911ducktail[/nom]What about people in the military who like to spend their down time playing video games? I wonder how reliable the Internet is in Kandahar or Mosul....[/citation]

Online gaming is banned in some overseas theaters.
Microsoft is pulling their usual crap no surprise, but ALSO let's not forget that Sony with the PS4 is implementing the crap streaming games crap. Realistically this is ALSO stupid for a lot of the same reasons as Microsoft's "Always On" implementation as well as the fact that there are ISP's that have monthyl bandwidth caps. Along with the bandwidth caps they have to consider the fact that most modern games weigh in pretty heavily on the GB's of data that comprise them. So in the end Sony AND Microsoft are morons and will not be getting a penny of my reasonably earned money.
Although the always online will not be a problem for me I know many of my gamer friends who do not have internet and just go to a friends house when to play online, this will be the dealbreaker for all of them, and me too just for the fact that they are doing this, and if they go with no used games that would be them going even further in the wrong direction. It is PS4 for me this console generation, a PS4 to sit right beside my gaming Rig, but not the ShitBox 720, screw that, Microsoft needs to stick to things like OS's. Lol, even though a lot of people do not even like their newest OS, Windows 8, I use it on my gaming rig and all I did was add a 3rd party start menu, Pokki, and it works just like 7 if not better. May God have mercy on the fools who buy the NextBox, if these rumors ring true of course. Later everyone. ^_^
[citation][nom]Exphius Mortum[/nom]Microsoft is pulling their usual crap no surprise, but ALSO let's not forget that Sony with the PS4 is implementing the crap streaming games crap. Realistically this is ALSO stupid for a lot of the same reasons as Microsoft's "Always On" implementation as well as the fact that there are ISP's that have monthyl bandwidth caps. Along with the bandwidth caps they have to consider the fact that most modern games weigh in pretty heavily on the GB's of data that comprise them. So in the end Sony AND Microsoft are morons and will not be getting a penny of my reasonably earned money.[/citation]

Yes but it is not a required feature to be always online to play a game, Sony with that is just giving people OPTIONS, which Microsoft should do also, the should have OPTIONS like Sony is doing, and free online game play with the OPTION of a premium version similar to PlaystationPlus . But I guess this is all just my OPINION, so think what you will and good day.
If it is always on, then I'm gonna turn off. I bought every console the past 20 years, but now if this happens it will be the first time since NES that I haven't bought all the main ones. Sorry MS but this will hurt you for sure If it inhibits any play while not connected. I know many wont even consider you then. Hey the Wii U is not looking that bad anymore, lol.
well, im glad i sold my 360 to build a gaming pc.

like the gentleman said above, wont be buying a console... i wasnt even going to buy Bioshock Infinite, but i will now. if only, to support customer driven service. kudos, Bioware, even if it was just 1 employees word.
It's also stupid because the percentage of console pirates i much smaller vs pc. It's harder to mo consoles and I bet most ppl who might pirate would never mod chip their console.
I live in Australia, where the incumbent telco who owns the copper wires around the place leaves everything in a state of near disrepair because it is expecting to shut this down once the National Broadband Network comes online.

Every time that I experience significant rainfall, I lose the internet and I'm 6km from the CBD, in a capital city. Large population centres that are fairly well spread out have terrible internet connections and many don't even have access to ADSL2 (approx 1000kbps down).

There is absolutely no way I'll be buying a console with always on DRM. I've already been stung by diablo 3, where this requirement creates extremely frustrating lag in a SINGLE PLAYER game. People who live within rural areas have it even worse.

For these reasons, I'm absolutely certain that within Australia, there will be a significant backlash against the xbox 720 should they require always on DRM.


Microsoft is doing stupid things as of late. They really need to get rid of Balmer for one.. that guy is obnoxious and idiotic. But is more entertaining to watch than Cook from Apple, who is as boring as watching paint dry.
The 720 will be bought by fanboys and quickly dismissed by them after they realize its a pain in the ass to play a game.
Everything is NOT "always on". If I put my phone in airplane mode, I can still play Bejeweled or Jetpack Joyride or some other time waster. And this is from a device/platform that is actually designed to be "always on".

I own PS3's and an xBox 360. I personally prefer the PS3 because it does not require a paid account to play online or watch Netflix/Hulu Plus, it plays Blu-Rays, and I can stream my videos/pictures from my PC without setting up a Media Center. Looks like this will be the final nail in the xBox coffin for me.
I can't remember if I cried when I read about this DRM tied
Something touched me deep inside the day the consoles died
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