What a bunch of whiners!
1) The start menu sucked from day one, and metro (while very different) does not exactly make the start menu any worse
2) Apple has an app store, as do many versions of linux, and they have both had them for several years with nobody complaining about 'walled gardens' or other stupidity. You can still download a program from a website and install it, developers will still be able to make software for free distribution, or go through other distributers. Really, this is no big deal.
3) Aero is awesome, and runs perfectly fine on any computer made in the last 6-8 years. Complaining about the UI being too big and demanding is dumb. Aero is wonderful in that it makes the OS less distracting, and focuses the eye towards your content, and does not look like some silly cartoon interface like XP. the UI for win2K, and Aero are my all time favorites.
4) Moving away from Aero or Aero-like interface may be a dumber move than getting away from the start menu. We want our devices to be sleeker, not stuck in the '90s. And what hardware exactly are they thinking Aero would not run on? Whatever it is I do not want it.
5) I love that they are basically moving to having a single OS for all Windows devices, but they still need to learn that OS is not the interface, and that we need more, or at least different interface designs based upon the device it is installed on. I love the ribbon for touch screens, as well as Metro for touch screens, but they need something different for keys/mouse users. We also need to look ahead to Kinnect, voice, and even brain controlled devices that are either out, or soon to be out. Each way of connecting caters to a different way of doing things, and everyone has their preferences (personally I like touch and keys for day-to-day use), but without more options we will stagnate.
6) keep in mind that linux and macOSX are not actively working on new ways of interacting with their devices, and that may hurt them in a few years. Win8 is not the answer, but at least they are trying.