Who does believe that there is not Metro (some new grome of cource) in the win9... It is very unlikely... So there will be two bad windows after another? Well maybe people are mored used to metro when win9 will be released, so it will be better ogain ;-)
But in reality does anyone finds out any reason why MS-would give up metro UI in their future windows releases? The only think that I can quess is that windows phone and tablet completely fail economically... The reason to keep Metro UI in win 9 and so on: Same user interface in you work desktop, in your work tablet, in you work phone...
It is guite camble by MS, but there is very few alternatives to customers. They can stick with win 7 with next 15 years or they abandon windows totally. When all programs are made to windows platform, the later is very unlikely.
Any more quesses about what will happen?