Let me give you the real response, before it was translated into microsoft speak.
'Don't like the xbox one, buy the ps4, its cheaper, more powerful and doesnt have draconian DRM'
Of course now its about getting rid of the disk. They have to have draconian DRM because they want to move the industry away from discs!
Tho which i respond. They could easily have the exact same system they have now, and make a few minor changes and people would consider it just fine. All they have to do is remove the 24 hour check in. Once a game is authorized its authorized forever. But then you ask, how do you handle people selling games. Easily, to sell a game you log in and deauthorize your copy. From that point on it can be reauthorized by anyone. So you log in, deauth, and sell your game, and that's the end of it. This should be free. It costs next to nothing to authorize or deauthorize a game, which is easily covered by the $60 game price in the first place.
And if one says, well why should they run a system to authorize and deauthorize games just so you can sell them! If they are shelling out the cost for this, then they should get a cut of the profits! To which i respond, you dont need to authorize the games in the first place. As long as they want to keep a DRM auth system in place, thats their choice, they need to add on the deauth part for free. If they have already determined they need/want the authorize system in the first place, adding the rest will cost them next to nothing.
People probably wouldnt care if they only had to log in once to authorize a game, and then not be hassled by it again. But microsoft wants to get a cut of the used game market. Thats the bottom line, its not about whats good for the customer, its about more money.