
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

My monitor has suddenly acquired a yellowish cast to it's hue. Sony
GDM-500PS 21" connected to Leadtek A380 5950 Ultra video card with BNC
cables - been working like a charm for about 6 years now.

Flickering between good color balance and yellowish started yesterday
and no amount of re-installing drivers (using Driver Cleaner 3 in
between) has made a difference.

Have adjusted refresh rate, imported color profiles, etc. and am puzzled.



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

Cable problem???

Check all your cables, simce one may be loose.

"Steve Marshall" <marshall22@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> My monitor has suddenly acquired a yellowish cast to it's hue. Sony
> GDM-500PS 21" connected to Leadtek A380 5950 Ultra video card with BNC
> cables - been working like a charm for about 6 years now.
> Flickering between good color balance and yellowish started yesterday and
> no amount of re-installing drivers (using Driver Cleaner 3 in between) has
> made a difference.
> Have adjusted refresh rate, imported color profiles, etc. and am puzzled.
> Ideas?


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

Yves Leclerc wrote:
> Cable problem???
> Check all your cables, simce one may be loose.
> "Steve Marshall" <marshall22@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> news:%23$k8dpCwEHA.824@TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl...
>>My monitor has suddenly acquired a yellowish cast to it's hue. Sony
>>GDM-500PS 21" connected to Leadtek A380 5950 Ultra video card with BNC
>>cables - been working like a charm for about 6 years now.
>>Flickering between good color balance and yellowish started yesterday and
>>no amount of re-installing drivers (using Driver Cleaner 3 in between) has
>>made a difference.
>>Have adjusted refresh rate, imported color profiles, etc. and am puzzled.

Thanks. I think that may have been the problem - disconnected and
reconnected all BNC cables and on video card - problem solved.

I was shuddering to think that I needed to replace this monitor - high
quality, high refresh rate, low dot pitch 21"-22" CRT monitors are still
very expensive.



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

Dying gun in the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)! It "is" 6 years old!



Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

"Steve Marshall" <marshall22@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> My monitor has suddenly acquired a yellowish cast to it's hue. Sony
> GDM-500PS 21" connected to Leadtek A380 5950 Ultra video card with BNC
> cables - been working like a charm for about 6 years now.
> Flickering between good color balance and yellowish started yesterday and
> no amount of re-installing drivers (using Driver Cleaner 3 in between) has
> made a difference.
> Have adjusted refresh rate, imported color profiles, etc. and am puzzled.
> Ideas?


Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

It is more often a cable problem FIRST! If not the cable then we check
video card /drivers. If still not fixed, then it is the monitor.

I am glad you solved your problem.


"Steve Marshall" <marshall22@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> Yves Leclerc wrote:
>> Cable problem???
>> Check all your cables, simce one may be loose.
>> "Steve Marshall" <marshall22@mindspring.com> wrote in message
>> news:%23$k8dpCwEHA.824@TK2MSFTNGP11.phx.gbl...
>>>My monitor has suddenly acquired a yellowish cast to it's hue. Sony
>>>GDM-500PS 21" connected to Leadtek A380 5950 Ultra video card with BNC
>>>cables - been working like a charm for about 6 years now.
>>>Flickering between good color balance and yellowish started yesterday and
>>>no amount of re-installing drivers (using Driver Cleaner 3 in between)
>>>has made a difference.
>>>Have adjusted refresh rate, imported color profiles, etc. and am puzzled.
> Yves,
> Thanks. I think that may have been the problem - disconnected and
> reconnected all BNC cables and on video card - problem solved.
> I was shuddering to think that I needed to replace this monitor - high
> quality, high refresh rate, low dot pitch 21"-22" CRT monitors are still
> very expensive.
> Steve