Monitor problems!!


Oct 4, 2011
Hello, guys. I have a problem with my LG-W2242T-PF monitor, but first my system specs;
Windows 7 64 bit
7601 build.
Intel Quad 2.66 ghz
GTX 260 GPU (2 dvi ports)

Now the problem.

I just bought this monitor yesterday, been trying to fix this annoying problem ever since.

So basically the res is stuck at 1280;720, but the monitor can go upto 1680;1050 also in the device manager it says Generic NoN PnP monitor or something along those lines.
Tried updating GPU driver, tried installing drivers for the monitor from the LG site, to no avail.

Its a 22 inch btw. Anyone got any ideas on how to fix this?

Thanks in advance!

P.S Probably the wrong category, first time on the site, couldnt find any monitor related categories, forgive me for my incompetence!
Welcome malispalis.

First off, are you using dual monitor set up? If yes, then is your first monitor's resolution 1280x720? If it is that means your gpu is using mirrored display mode. Many cards keep the resolution same as well to match the one monitor with the lowest among the two. Go to your nvidia control panel and select set up multiple displays/monitors and select extend your monitor optIon. See if that let's you change the resolution.

If it does then everything is working fine. Them right click on your desktop and select screen resolution, and click on identify. Select your display number for the new mmonitor and select mirrored display and it should let you change the resolution.
The "extend your monitor" option doesn't exist.
And yes i use a 42" HDTV connected to my GPU via DVI-HDMI cause my GPU only have 2 DVI ports, no VGA or HDMI.

Couldn't it just be that LG is crap? Even my old medion 22"inch could do 1680:1050..

Am sorry am just so frustrated by this, this is the first in my life that i have ever experienced monitor problems, and it just happens to be the first LG i buy.

Anyway back to my question, what does "Generic Non PnP monitor" mean?
Does it have something to do with my problem?