Motherboard ATX12V for PCIEX16, is it needed with selfpowered cards?


Jun 23, 2004
So I just got my MSI P35 Platinum and eVGA 8800GTX. The motherboard has a 12v molex (standard ps connector) which the manual says is for powering PCIEX16 graphics cards (up to 18A).

But the 8800GTX has it's own power connectors.

So do I need to use connecto power to this "pcie" mainboard connector?
If it's not needed, why should I?

Seriously. The video card has it's own power connections (2 actually). My PSU has cables dedicated for the video card.

So, if the card doesn't need power from the motherboard, why would I run un-needed power through the motherboard?
Although it may say it's for the video card, the molex supplies power to all the PCIexpress connectors. As Joe points out, many (most?) MBs with such connectors need the molex plugged in to operate properly, no matter what connections the video card has.
Ah, that clears up the "why". Many thanks.

I hate when people pull that "because" crap. My parents never let me get away with it when I was a kid and I don't do that to mine or let them :)