[SOLVED] Motherboard Fan connectors / support query


Jul 4, 2011
I have asus p67 saber tooth motherboard following are the fan connector support
i want to understand does all these fans react to processor temperature ? as i am going to buy a new case so figuring it out that what max fan my motherboard support with speed control as i dont want to add any other controller or connectors as they are mess

1 x CPU Fan connector (4-pin)
2 x Chassis Fan connectors (1 x 4-pin, 1 x 3-pin)
1 x Power Fan connector (3-pin)
1 x Assistant Fan connector (3-pin)

motherboard manual link :

Those "3 speed" fan controllers generally have low, high and off. I don't like them, for obvious reasons. They either don't allow fast enough fan speed to do the job, or are too fast all the time and drive you nuts. You'd be a lot better off with a fan controller that CAN do variable speed control for both 3 and 4 pin fans. This would require only ONE PWM chassis fan header from your motherboard, which you have.

The four pin CPU_FAN header is thermally controlled through the motherboard. The single four pin CHA_FAN and single three pin CHA_FAN headers are thermally controlled through the motherboard. The four pin headers need to be used with PWM fans for variable speed control. The 3 pin CHA FAN header needs to be used with a three pin DC controlled fan for variable speed control.

The Pwr Fan 3 pin connector is a full time full speed header. No variable controls exist or are possible on that fan header.

The Asst_fan header, I honestly can't remember, because I haven't seen that on a board in a long time, but I THINK it's variable control. You'll have to try it out because it might actually be an early version of what has become the CPU_OPT header, and in some of those implementations they have their own independent control and on some they run identical to the CPU_FAN control.


Jul 4, 2011
i am getting a thermaltake level 20mt argb case that has a bultin controller for rgn control but it does have a fan speed option for its front paneel 3 fans how can i control those fan speeds by inserting then in which switch of mobo ? chasis fan or any other
Those "3 speed" fan controllers generally have low, high and off. I don't like them, for obvious reasons. They either don't allow fast enough fan speed to do the job, or are too fast all the time and drive you nuts. You'd be a lot better off with a fan controller that CAN do variable speed control for both 3 and 4 pin fans. This would require only ONE PWM chassis fan header from your motherboard, which you have.
