
Aug 27, 2016
I pushed back the computer monitor slightly and accidentally hit the computer case (gently). Then the computer shut up and restarted. However, there is no "beep" sound when the computer starts. There is power. The "double digit" red LED's which show the different "post code" or whatever it is called, continuously cycles through several different codes. Too fast to actually read what is being shown. However, the CPU LED is "RED". Therefore i suspect a motherboard failure, since a CPU failure is apparently quite rare from what i have heard.

The CPU is Ryzen 2700X. The motherboard is the X470 Gaming 7 With WiFi.

Please advise.
Sort of a fix since I'm not sure of what doesn't work!
Board has two buttons on the back 1 will clear bios the other will reset/power.
My guess is you hit one of the buttons.
The two double digit leds are for troubleshooting they will stop at a failure!
I had an Asus that stopped at FF - all was well
Red Led's show what isn't working.
So verify the Led is the CPU as there are three stacked.
What is the double digit code
If you reset bios and you had something configured like raid you have go in and set it back up.
Sort of a fix since I'm not sure of what doesn't work!
Board has two buttons on the back 1 will clear bios the other will reset/power.
My guess is you hit one of the buttons.
The two double digit leds are for troubleshooting they will stop at a failure!
I had an Asus that stopped at FF - all was well
Red Led's show what isn't working.
So verify the Led is the CPU as there are three stacked.
What is the double digit code
If you reset bios and you had something configured like raid you have go in and set it back up.

The RED LED CPU is where the RED LEDS for trouble shooting are found. he other RED LEDS are DRAM, BOOT, and VGA. These cycle through to completion, turning on and then off for each, when the computer starts.

To be precise. The monitor slightly hit the side of the computer case, at the back of the computer. It was not possible from the location of the hit for any of those buttons to have accidentally been pressed.

Also, the two digit LED code that appears, constantly changes quite fast, with approximately 6-8 different codes.

I think i must have accidentally damaged the motherboard itself. Though, it seems a bit odd, since the computer monitor only slightly hit the computer case.

On a second note. Do you think that the X470 Gaming "5" with WiFi motherboard will be just as compatible with the other computer parts in the computer? I ask, since they are both from the same line, only the "5" version has a few things less, though it will be cheaper. :)
I would power down, reseat the CPU and try it. I think it would be odd for you to damage the MB by only slightly hitting it.
I would power down, reseat the CPU and try it. I think it would be odd for you to damage the MB by only slightly hitting it.
was one of the first things i tried. I thought perhaps the cpu moved slightly. Though after reseting the CPU. The problem persisted.

I think it might be possible that when i built the pc i accidentally, screwed the motherboard down too tight, or the motherboard might have made contact with the metal case for a second. Possibly also causing some micro fractures in the board that cannot be seen.

was one of the first things i tried. I thought perhaps the cpu moved slightly. Though after reseting the CPU. The problem persisted.

I think it might be possible that when i built the pc i accidentally, screwed the motherboard down too tight, or the motherboard might have made contact with the metal case for a second. Possibly also causing some micro fractures in the board that cannot be seen.
I think it's possible.