[SOLVED] Motherboard wont Underclock 2400Mhz ram to 2133Mhz

Jun 20, 2020

So I have a Asus b150 plus Motherboard which supports up to 2133Mhz, I didn't know that and i accidentaly bought a second ram which was 2400Mhz, I put it in and it just didn't read the RAM, Later I asked a friend and told me you can't run 2400Mhz on B150 Plus which has a maximum of 2133Mhz RAM Size, So I started thinking of a refund or a swap but when I was surfing the net about it I found out that motherboard is supposed to underclock the RAM and manage settings and run it, I tried contacting Asus Support but it was off for some reason, I only have 24 Hours testing time on the RAM and i need an answer by then, So my main questions are:

1. Can I run this RAM on my PC with the following conditions?

2. Is this a problem from the RAM? it has a chance to be broken and it has a 24 Hour test time so if you think it is a problem with the RAM tell me so i can swap it.

3. Could this be cause of the Motherboard's Slot or the Motherboard's settings?

4. Does it have something to do with Asus company so it might mean i need to manually set settings?

5. Could underclocking the RAM affect the Performance or somehow Damage it in long or short terms?

6. I used the rams in 1st and 3rd slots, if you think the slots might be the problem tell me to try another slot for the second ram (I can't move the first ram it's in the 1st slot but for some reason the bottom part (which is stable in this motherboard and not a pin) will not come out no matter how hard i pull and I'm afraid to push ultra hard on it)


• First Ram: Kingston 8GB DDR4 2133Mhz (Used for: 4 Years) (1st Slot (Closest to CPU))

• Second Ram: Kingston 8GB DDR4 2400Mhz (3rd Slot)
Hey There,
So it was my bad, I was just installing the ram wrong since I wasn't familiar with single pin sockets,
the ram worked but I remain with 2 questions:
  1. Could this half connection have damaged my new memory?
  2. Since in my country scamming happens a lot, Do you have any suggestions to make sure of it being real?
  3. My older ram is 4 years old and is pretty poor in performance, How should I place my 2 rams? in different colors or the same colors, and if the same colors which should I place each in?
  4. UserBenchmark recognizes my older ram but as my newer ram it says 1x8 Kingston ram, What could this mean?
When adding two modules to a motherboard, usually you add them in staggered slots. It doesn't always matter...
mixing ram? did you test with just the 2400mhz?
mixing ram sometime works. sometime don't

What specifically do you mean by mixing RAM?
As I said the first ram might be affected by the CPU temperature and the bottom part which is connected to a stable place and has no pin (my motherboard has a 1 side pin only), It is in there so hard and is likely to call it stuck I'm not going to risk pulling only half side up since it will break the pins, But I tried pulling so hard but as I said not ultra power since I'm afraid to break it.
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According to the manual, it recommends using Slot A2 and B2 (furthest from CPU) when installing two modules. You could try resetting the bios if it still won't work by jumping the cmos reset pins or pull the battery out for 5-10 minutes.

If none of that works, you might have a CPU socket issue, which could make things more complicated. I'd say refund the new module first and get a new 2x8GB kit instead.
According to the manual, it recommends using Slot A2 and B2 (furthest from CPU) when installing two modules. You could try resetting the bios if it still won't work by jumping the cmos reset pins or pull the battery out for 5-10 minutes.

If none of that works, you might have a CPU socket issue, which could make things more complicated. I'd say refund the new module first and get a new 2x8GB kit instead.
Hey There,
So it was my bad, I was just installing the ram wrong since I wasn't familiar with single pin sockets,
the ram worked but I remain with 2 questions:
  1. Could this half connection have damaged my new memory?
  2. Since in my country scamming happens a lot, Do you have any suggestions to make sure of it being real?
  3. My older ram is 4 years old and is pretty poor in performance, How should I place my 2 rams? in different colors or the same colors, and if the same colors which should I place each in?
  4. UserBenchmark recognizes my older ram but as my newer ram it says 1x8 Kingston ram, What could this mean?
Hey There,
So it was my bad, I was just installing the ram wrong since I wasn't familiar with single pin sockets,
the ram worked but I remain with 2 questions:
  1. Could this half connection have damaged my new memory?
  2. Since in my country scamming happens a lot, Do you have any suggestions to make sure of it being real?
  3. My older ram is 4 years old and is pretty poor in performance, How should I place my 2 rams? in different colors or the same colors, and if the same colors which should I place each in?
  4. UserBenchmark recognizes my older ram but as my newer ram it says 1x8 Kingston ram, What could this mean?
When adding two modules to a motherboard, usually you add them in staggered slots. It doesn't always matter if it's specifically A2/B2 though and it will often work fine in A1/B1. The slots on your motherboard indicate which slots are which by color. So black slots are A1/B1 and Gray are A2/B2.

Usually running ram at the default values doesn't cause issues, but it's possible that the ram you bought just isn't compatible with your other ram. It could be fake as well if the new ram won't work by itself.

Was the ram you bought new or was it used or opened already?
When adding two modules to a motherboard, usually you add them in staggered slots. It doesn't always matter if it's specifically A2/B2 though and it will often work fine in A1/B1. The slots on your motherboard indicate which slots are which by color. So black slots are A1/B1 and Gray are A2/B2.

Usually running ram at the default values doesn't cause issues, but it's possible that the ram you bought just isn't compatible with your other ram. It could be fake as well if the new ram won't work by itself.

Was the ram you bought new or was it used or opened already?
Well please notify why you think the RAMs aren't compatible, About being opened, it had the stickers on it but my older ram has a warranty sticker and a code sticker on 1 side and warranty sticker on the other side of the ram on the 4 modules, but the new one only has warranty sticker on 4 modules, Could this mean that it might be used? (that is a high possibility in my country but it's up to you finding it out)
also, there is a small purple mark on a black module, is it a burn sign or just a marker sign by company or this means it's used?
BTW I really don't know how RAM placement works, I was told by someone that the rest of the RAM(s) get used only if needed and if not pressure goes on the main RAM, is this right or does it split or something.
Well please notify why you think the RAMs aren't compatible, About being opened, it had the stickers on it but my older ram has a warranty sticker and a code sticker on 1 side and warranty sticker on the other side of the ram on the 4 modules, but the new one only has warranty sticker on 4 modules, Could this mean that it might be used? (that is a high possibility in my country but it's up to you finding it out)
also, there is a small purple mark on a black module, is it a burn sign or just a marker sign by company or this means it's used?
BTW I really don't know how RAM placement works, I was told by someone that the rest of the RAM(s) get used only if needed and if not pressure goes on the main RAM, is this right or does it split or something.
Had to make sure I notify it better, The RAM is working now and it was my mistake and i was putting it inside half done and it wasn't correctly installed, I'm just wondering if it's used or damages or not.