Basically the problem is that my mouse (Redragon M711) only tracks outside of games. While using any application such as Chrome or Discord the mouse works perfectly, however once I load up a game such as R6 or Valorant the mouse stops tracking almost completely unless I move it very slowly and while moving it slowly the movement is still a bit skippy. I've already tried cleaning my mouse pad and using a different one to see if that was the issue but this did not change anything. The only way to make the mouse work in game was to use a notebook of a different color to play. Basically, I would use a blue colored notebook and that surface seemed to allow my mouse to track. I tried it with different colored notebooks such as white and yellow which both worked but a black colored notebook would not work. I tried this as my mousepad is black and I've seen that some optical mice don't work on black surfaces. But this doesn't make sense to me as it works perfectly fine on both black surfaces while outside of games. If anyone knows anything I might be able to try to fix this problem it would be much appreciated.