Movie based on islam

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Well, then what is his point? Lie against Muhammad(saw) to show the world that the Muslims are terrorist?

This kind of lie makes Islam warlike and violent. And your country did many war based on this kind of lie.

Look at the Burmese Muslim how they are hunted down and no one cares. Why? Because they believe in lie. I didnt hear any single word from your country against it. But USA always try to intrude in Muslim country for humanity. Now where is there humanity? Everything is lie.

And why the producer choose prophet of Islam in the time of anti-Islam aggression? In the time where people like you believes Muslims are terrorist? To inspire it?

Whats his intention? Making people believes in more lie? So people will hate Muslim more?

Then why bring Muhammad (saw) in the film? He can insult Muslims but why prophet? Prophet Muhammad (saw) loved everyone of us. Including Muslim and non-Muslim. Every human living in this planet is His ummat. He was always neutral to non-Muslim and never want us to dis-respect to non-Muslim. Why some people just insult Him with lie? So people get wrong information about Muhammad (saw).

Muslim dont need oil like USA. They have more than enough. They dont need a war against non-Muslim.

Nope, Jesus was the best man who ever lived.

He was the Saviour of the World. He died for my sins as well as yours.
He was the Son of God. He was Him.

Jesus teaches this to us all:

'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' (Matthew 22:37-39)

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

He, the Christ, teaches us a message of love, not war.
To turn the other cheek. Love one another.

We are all brothers in Christ, who died for us all.

To bring hate is sin, to wage war is unholy.

I love you all. I wish we would all be together in peace.

Thats the thing i am talking. Whatever there is violence planned or not for 9/11 anniversary but the producer choose prophet instead of Osama Bin Laden for incite. Original movie was named as Innocence of Osama Bin Laden where Laden had to be shown. But producer intentionally choose Muhammad (saw) to insult Him. Because he knows we hate lie and insulting our respectful prophet.

He made this lie for inciting and thats why lie is a sin and not tolerable. Isnt this clear he is spreading lie against prophet Muhammad (saw) in purpose? Do you think it is his opinion spread lie on purpose?

Even a movie star/honorable person ask for justice against his/her disrespect. So why cant we ask for justice for our beloved prophet Muhammad's (saw) insult?

My answer: To be cotinued. Friday night and all. 😉

Guess you are missing Rebecca Black's Friday. :)

We are not arguing about your believes for Jesus was the best human and never going to insult Him to hurt you. Cause we know about Jesus, who is prophet of Christianity. But some of you criticize Islam ans its prophet badly. No reason to insult prophet for us.

Do you think it is a good idea to insult Jesus for the crime commit in Iraq by Christean US Marine? Of course no.

And same in Islam. Not to war, its unholy. Try to make peace and help others even to non-Muslim. No matter if he/she is believer or not. Everyone is brother as everyone is child of Adam, the first human.

I wish your hopes comes true. We will be in peace by not hating each other.

Once in city of Ta'if, prophet Muhammad (saw) gone to spread Islam for peace. The citizen to ta'if throw stone at Him and blood came out of His holy body. Angels of mountain comes to aid Muhammad(saw) and asked Him to destroy Ta'if by mixing two mountain situated in two side of Ta'if. So the Ta'if will be smash under mountain-bed. But the kind prophet Muhammad (saw) show His kindness. He said, "If i letting you destroy them, then whom do i teach Islam." He pray to kind creator Allah for mercy instead on Ta'if and now the whole Ta'if is a land of peaceful Muslim. All love Muhammad (saw) for what He did for us.

If we were asked to destroy our enemy, by angel, we would be very happy to took such offer cause we like destruction. No?
Another possibility here
God may have truth in many writings, but man has misinterpreted them from the beginning of their writing.
If this is so, God will not forget, regardless of who owns the truth, as God is the truth.
So, tho an evil man (not saying this movie maker was evil) may get away with wrongdoing, he wont escape God

Jesus was/is the Christ. He is God. He is the father.

You fail to understand that you claim to be a religion of peace, yet all I see and hear is death to those who disown Islam.

You guys get worked up about Muhammad being some great god. He is a mortal man as you and I are.

We here in the US have Atheists. They criticize us and our Christ. Mostly us. They make fun of Jesus, say things that our hurtful, yet we do not have Christians who go around the world to protest that anyone against the Lord should be put down.

I would also like to point out that your Muhammad also killed people who did not convert to Islam.

What did Christ say to the 12 Apostles before and after He died?

To tell of the good news, that is what...not to go out and murder innocent people for not being Christian. In fact the opposite happened. Many died converting to Christianity.

Look, I know you are trying to shine a light on the goodness of your faith, but as long as you let your religious leader corrupt you and control your emotions, you will never evolve as a religion of peace.

This is not a first time that americans insulting MUHAMMAD it is approximately 20 time they are doing this, WHY? why are they not against jesus,christ,buddha these are also religions WHY are they always against ISLAM? We muslims countries are higher in numbers as compared to non-muslims countries.

As I stated above there are alot native american muslims why does they not got action on that movie here in pakistan condition is going bad day by day due to strike.

oldmangamer do you know the building in which that movie was introduced it destroyed with earthquake google it. Because ALLAH knows better.

You make some good points.

As an atheist I look at most religions with scorn and some anxiety, particularly those who cannot handle criticism.

The Christians, Jews, and most of the rest don't bat an eyelid when someone puts a funny cartoon up about one of their saviours or prophets ... most people laugh ... and a few old ladies complain at most.

Thats a mature response to criticism ... like I have said before - religion should be a personal thing.

If someone else criticises your religion do you not turn the other cheek? Most do.

Muslim extremists (note I clarify my point not to include mainstream muslims who by and large don't see what the fuss is all about) use any criticism as an excuse to go on a rampage.

Frankly that's not good enough.

I should add that here in Australia as a result of the riots last week in sydney all of the mainstream Muslim Imans have banded together to stop any further nonsense and have worked positively in their communities to stop this sort of rubbish ... commendable and a credit to them.

Likewise in Lybia today a similar result ... the extremists are faring poorly.

Enough is enough.

If I see any posts recommending violence as an appropriate religious response the offender will be permabanned.

Looks like you got lie about Islam and Muhammad (saw). How did you know Muhammad (saw) killed people for convert to Islam? From people like film producer who makes lie against Muhammad(saw)?

And thats why we are against lie and insult about our prophet Muhammad (saw). We have to protect lie, so people like you will not believe in lie.

Did you read about the city of Ta'if i posted?

REYNOD said:

If I see any posts recommending violence as an appropriate religious response the offender will be permabanned.

Asking for justice from US government is consider as violence recommending to you? Looks like you are the only guy here who is extremely anti-Islam and believing in lie.

Hmm, so do you think USA government will remove that movie from youtube, look mate we are muslims same you are from other religion do you ever realize if someone making fun of your religion wouldn't you will be getting anger, So that is very bad idea to making fun of other religions, The guy who created that movie will be in HELL after death or if you guys not believing that time is coming soon and ALLAH knows better. :??:
Ask from native american muslim and question him "why are you muslim" and listen him precisely rather America is not a muslim country besides there are majority if muslims in america, because they believe in ALLAH and MUHAMMAD.
A minutes ago I watched a news in which IRAQ government stated that "if US government does not remove the video then 3rd world war should be start" think due to one PERSON the whole america is going to be in dangerous situation and muslims do anything for MUHAMMAD.
you just gotta love a religion that says its tolerant then turns round and beheads any 1 who dare say anything that the believers think is ha-ram. the guy at the american embasy had nothing to do with the film. but i dodnt see any outcry for him being killed... oh yeah he's not a good muslim.... lol thats a laugh. 99.9999% of muslims aint good muslims.
they want a world war where they think there religion will become the dominant religion of the new world... sorry thats not gonna happen if anything they will only get millions if not billions of there followers incinerated in a nuclear fire. oh look you you just managed to murder a 3rd of mankind in the name of your god... well done have 72 virgins...
whats that? there all men.... ah well, we all make mistakes....
after all we are only human... maybe next time you should learn to forgive instead of spouting hate....

facts: the guy that made the film isnt even american he's egyptian.
hes a coptic Christian that was self exiled from his own country for being a Christian.
he left his home because muslims were and are crusifying burning and intimidating any 1 with a religion different to there own...
the guys film although a poor attempt at film making is a direct response to the violence he was served up from muslims. for no other reason than he was christian...
the blame for this move lies not with the film maker but the people who hounded the guy out of his home and country for nothing more than having a different opinion...
oh whats that you dont like the fact you the muslim world are responsible for this film being made... well next time if your more tolerant maybe you wouldn't piss off so many people with your twisted interpretation of an ideology...


I can't let this one go by :)

Who's going to start this so called 3rd world war? Some camel humping sheisthole of a third world country? Gimme a break. It'd be over sometime between breakfast and lunch and probably wouldn't take more than 2 (3 at most) carrier groups and a couple flights of Buf's, Spirits, & Bones. Might throw in a few sub launched Tomahawks for good measure. Then I say we pave over the whole thing, stripe it, and use it as a parking lot.

So you do asked 99.9999% of Muslim about world war and they answer yes. Do you? Who is doing the latest war and last time when did you see war is done by Muslim country against non-Muslim country?

Please read the previous post about the film.
lol thats the only point you pick up on not the fack people are getting burned alive stoned and crusified... thanx you just told me everything i needed to know about you and your beliefs...

you really dont have any idea do you... its not who started it its who want to put a stop to it.
Afghanistan america went there to find alquieda and binladen reason for going there 911 attacks on america...
yes george bush used 911 to implement his own agenda to finish off iraq and sadam but he also put a stop to the persecution of the people in the north or iraq of which over 1 million had been gased with nerve and other agents.
personally i never thought this was about freeing iraq but more about oil but if muslims hadnt strapped bombs to themselves and flew plains into buildings there would have been nor iraq invasion.

the whole point is you are being lied to, binladen himself put it in words you can understand. the whole point of the 911 attacks wasnt to get america to fight alquaida but to fight islam.

last time a muslim country attacked a none muslim 1. about 2 years ago.
lebenon's missle attacks on israel a bit further back muslim uprisings in host countries because they wanted sharia law, countrys such a chechnia, croatia the list caan go on and on... the root of the problem isnt the fact that islam is a religion its the fact that islamic leaders are using it as a tool of power to increase there own wealth and power in there own countries. all pointing at america and saying that is the big evil when infact the biggest evil is themselves who abuse there position of infuence and convince people like you the the west is evil...
we aint evil. we want to protect and educate our children, provide for our families and have the freedom to make our own choices in life.
you on the other hand have the freedom to do as your told.
you read what your allowed to read
and you swallow it hook line and sinker... (fish on a line)...

If your word is correct then why USA said nothing about Burmese Muslim hunt? Why they remain silence?

Israel started this war first. They keep attacking Palestine without making peace. They dont even listen to USA for making peace with Palestine. Whole world knows it. No matter if Israel is attacked by Lebanon.

I dont believes the whole America is evil but their politician are. They war on purpose. In 9/11 W. Bush planted bomb under twin-tower and two building collapsed. No mistake. Even without plane crashed, building would collapsed just like we saw.

That is a load of bullshit right there.

The fact that Bush caused 9/11 is a complete fabrication by US conspiracy theorists.

You lied about my president. What should I do to you?

The fact you say that Bush had prior knowledge is absurd...

Planes are not mead of titanium, they are mad of aluminium...and low melt point metal.

Kerosene may burn, but try burning a huge pile of wood and you will see how hot it gets. Kerosene can combust and create a huge increase in ambient temperature...enough to ignite anything around it.

Building 7 had weak fire retardant on the steel frames. Steel can be weakened by heat, but not melt.

WTC 7 fell due to metal fatigue of the main support.

Your baseless assumptions that the US itself is after the muslim community is also absurd. Read up on the First Barbary War. who provoked that war? Not the US.
From Wikipedia:

In March 1785, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams went to London to negotiate with Tripoli's envoy, Ambassador Sidi beloved patriot Abdrahaman (or Sidi beloved patriot Abdul Rahman Adja). Upon inquiring "concerning the ground of the pretensions to make war upon nations who had done them no injury", the ambassador replied:

It was written in their Koran, that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to paradise. He said, also, that the man who was the first to board a vessel had one slave over and above his share, and that when they sprang to the deck of an enemy's ship, every sailor held a dagger in each hand and a third in his mouth; which usually struck such terror into the foe that they cried out for quarter at once.


Quote :

REYNOD said:

If I see any posts recommending violence as an appropriate religious response the offender will be permabanned.


Asking for justice from US government is consider as violence recommending to you? Looks like you are the only guy here who is extremely anti-Islam and believing in lie.

I'd like to add I am in Australia and have no affiliation with the US Govt or their minions ... though I count many US citizens as friends. I just moderate here as a volunteer. The site is not even owned by a US company ... its multinational with offices in 8 countries and the CEO is a French dude with an impeccable haircut and suit ... and a good sense of humour.

Theres a faction that believes certain things, allows for these things to be in print, on TV.
These people make money on the backs of the witless, as they dupe them into believing such things as the government blasted the towers, never landed on the moon etc.
Not, I propose to you, dont be duped, as an Egyptian makes a movie, Muslims hate it, and somehow the US is to change its laws and its also somehow their fault.
Please see what Im saying, as both of these ideas are wrong, and certainly not to go to war over, kill over, or even hate about.

And no, war is not good, no matter how well you do it

You lied about about my prophet. And what should i do to you? When you lied, you say 'freedom of speech'. You making me laugh.

Whatever, i didnt lie. Now see my point:

If plane crashed caused WTC fell, what could happen? The plane hit between 93rd and 99th floor. So between these two floor everything was crushed. Then what would happen? The floor above 99th will collapse on 93rd/92nd floor. Then there will be a chain of collapse like, 92 on 91, 91 on 90, 90 on 89, 89 on 88.........10 on 9, 9 on 8.......the whole building eventually. Destruction from above. WTC should be collapse like this from plane crash.

But i didnt see this on video. I see just the opposite. Destruction from below, 9th floor on 8th, 10 on 9, 11 on 10...........89 on 88, 90 on 89, 91 on 90, 92 on 91......eventually the whole building. This is what i see in video. Plane crash dont cause destruction from below unless there is plane crash on below or bomb plant below WTC. I consulted my civil engineer friend. No way plane crash caused destruction/collapse from below where it hit above. 6 billion people just swallow it.

Take your pick, theres plenty of experts out there to tell you exactly what you want to hear.
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