But being madly in love with your prophet is still not just cause to go on a mad rampage ... I know plenty of god loving Christians and Jews who would argue they love their god no less.
They don't go running amok when someone slights they god.
Frankly that sort of behaviour is uncivilised and primitive ... a sign that culture simply is not yet advanced enough to be treated as equals.
If your people continue to escalate this sort of behaviour then I can see Israel and the US retaliating ... so far both have been restrained ... so restrained the rest of the world is quite proud of them ... though their own people are angry nevertheless.
Essentially by retaliating as Islamic people have over this isse they have damaged their own cause ...
Most of us are very wary about Islam now ... we are not comfortable ... or convinced that your religion is essentially good.
With so many violent acts in the world perpetrated in the name of your god and prophet we are increasingly dismayed.
I can see the day when WWIII won't be about resources ... it will be about religion.
You should be aware that irrespective of the numbers of troups and loyal fighters those Islamic countries involved in such a war have, their strategic assets would be reduced to glass pavement inside 4hrs should the Western world wish ... which they don't.
Nobody wants that.
Iran for example will not be allowed to gain nuclear weapons.
When you read the ranting of those mad fools running that country then that is reason enough.
They don't go running amok when someone slights they god.
Frankly that sort of behaviour is uncivilised and primitive ... a sign that culture simply is not yet advanced enough to be treated as equals.
If your people continue to escalate this sort of behaviour then I can see Israel and the US retaliating ... so far both have been restrained ... so restrained the rest of the world is quite proud of them ... though their own people are angry nevertheless.
Essentially by retaliating as Islamic people have over this isse they have damaged their own cause ...
Most of us are very wary about Islam now ... we are not comfortable ... or convinced that your religion is essentially good.
With so many violent acts in the world perpetrated in the name of your god and prophet we are increasingly dismayed.
I can see the day when WWIII won't be about resources ... it will be about religion.
You should be aware that irrespective of the numbers of troups and loyal fighters those Islamic countries involved in such a war have, their strategic assets would be reduced to glass pavement inside 4hrs should the Western world wish ... which they don't.
Nobody wants that.
Iran for example will not be allowed to gain nuclear weapons.
When you read the ranting of those mad fools running that country then that is reason enough.