MSFT CEO: Apple Products Too Expensive, Android Too Wild

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Jun 25, 2011
My cousin from Russia came to visit me in America for summer. He bought about 10 iPhone 4's for 3 thousand dollars and I unlocked them. He went back to Russia and made about 8 thousand dollars.


Jul 26, 2004
I don't see them having much of a chance here. Even if they had all their programmers writing apps, they couldn't match the Android coder base. Its the same reason they are so panicked about Linux in the desktop space (try googling halloween documents). Once you've got an open environment, its bloody hard for one company to dominate the apps.
Personally, I'm still hanging out for someone to make something like a virtual windows box that'll run on linux for the non-code-monkey types like me.
Hell, maybe there already is one, but I don't know about it. Inertia has me using windows, 'cause I play lots of games. That's all there is to it, and I'm sure I'm not alone.


Good old M$. Nice to see they are still full of sh!t making excuses.

Apple is a rip off but they still sell out of any new product in half an hour worldwide.
Android is wild and out of control, but sleighs the competition with no sign of stopping.

Boo hop, poor M$


May 19, 2010
I agree with Ballmer to an extend.

Apple is definitely overpriced, but its also so so closed of a system that it doesn't give people wiggle room on what they want. Its a one-size-fits-all kind of system which is unappealing for a lot of people including myself. The upside to this is that Apple can provide a more thorough product; support for its products is very very good because they only have a handful of models at a time that they have to maintain.

Android is at the other end of the extreme. Its so so open that just about anyone can make a tablet/phone/whatever and load android on it and sell it. And while there are some freaking awesome android devices there is also a lot of crap that should never have been made/allowed to sell. You get stuff like $50 tablets coming out of china that are so crappy and underpowered they can't do anything, and are usually full of bugs/etc. A lot of manufactures also release several products and neglect most of them except the top tier devices or just the flagship devices. But android as just an o/s is very nice because its so open to development and has a huge span of applications.

I think if microsoft can find the middle ground between the two major players right now it can become a major powerhouse in the mobile sector.


Sep 23, 2009
Last time i checked MSFT phones are also expensive and aint worth compared to android and apple products. They are also so wild that i couldnt find anyone using it.


Dec 11, 2006
Ballmer certainly knows how to twist reality. He tells us about two premises and then draws a conclusion that has nothing to do with the premises:

1. Apple's system looks highly controlled and quite high prices;

2. Google's Android too wild due to its openness. Malware and compatibility issues deriving from several versions of Android.

Let's address this:

1. Windows Phone phones are not exactly cheap, while you can buy a previous generation iPhone for affordable prices. Surface RT is not by any means a cheap tablet either - $499 without the Touch Cover; the ecosystem is also highly controlled, you can't install apps other than the ones available from the Microsoft Store. The exact same thing for Windows Phone.

2. Compatibility issues ? What about several versions of Windows Mobile and Windows Phone ? Apps designed for Windows Mobile 6.5 (The first one to have the main screens - but not the rest of the OS - designed for touch) work with Windows Phone 7 ? Apps designed for Windows Phone 8 work with Windows Phone 7 ? Malware issues ? It's easy to talk when nobody uses your OS. Everybody knows that the most popular platforms get the most attention from hackers. Linux can also brag about being more secure than Windows. I like Linux, but I'm not going to pretend that a big factor behind the fact it is more secure, besides arguably more robust security features, is the fact that is has a small marketshare. According to Tom's latest article, Google's Android currently has 72.4 percent market share.


I'll take My PC with a type 1 hyporvisor and run any OS available for install on my PC, and each OS will run under My type 1 hyporvisor's VM. The type 1 hyporvisor will controll the hardware and the drvers! The OSs running under the type 1 hyporvisor's Virtual Machines will think they are the only OS installed and running, but they will be running on the virturalized PC, under complete controll of the type 1 hyporvisor!
Abandon Hope All Ye Ballmers and minions, of ever controlling the virturalized zone!


Oct 19, 2011
Android and Apple each have a problem. MSFT has both problems! Products are priced at Apple levels and their app store is as barren and desolate as the wild west was. Ballmer should research glass houses and stones.


Apr 14, 2010
I had to read that a few times over, it was weird reading M$ bashing someone for overcharging, as well as driver issues and malware!!! LOL.


Feb 10, 2010
[citation][nom]bebangs[/nom]Last time i checked MSFT phones are also expensive and aint worth compared to android and apple products. They are also so wild that i couldnt find anyone using it.[/citation]

When was the last time you checked...2006?....
Windows phone 7/7.5 and Windows phone 8 are flippin awesome, the day i got mine, both my bros wanted to trade me their iPhone 4's, yeah few else people know about them coz, they aren't inundated with marketing or crap from the likes of Apple or Google, Microsoft is playing it safe for now....


Feb 10, 2010
[citation][nom]thillntn[/nom]I had to read that a few times over, it was weird reading M$ bashing someone for overcharging, as well as driver issues and malware!!! LOL.[/citation]
Dude..Come on, you got to admit WP7/7.5 & WP8 are awesome, i have two phones, 1 HTC android and 1 samsung WP7.5, the android came out a year after the windows phone and it has the specs to beat WP7.5 to a PULP, but guess what, it doesnt coz even though it got twice the RAM, twice the CPU power, its still android and we all know bloated the android experience is, now im about to put up the HTC android up for sale and stick with the trusty WP7.5!!! Dont knock it till you try it.


Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer says "Apple products too expensive" while "Google's Android too wild" and for "Microsoft Is Filled With Loopholes For Hackers To Crack".

So his suggestion is "Don't Buy Anything".


Mar 27, 2010
[citation][nom]xpeh[/nom]My cousin from Russia came to visit me in America for summer. He bought about 10 iPhone 4's for 3 thousand dollars and I unlocked them. He went back to Russia and made about 8 thousand dollars.[/citation]

That is called smuggling.


Aug 4, 2008
[citation][nom]bebangs[/nom]Last time i checked MSFT phones are also expensive and aint worth compared to android and apple products. They are also so wild that i couldnt find anyone using it.[/citation]

Just moved to a Lumia 920 from an ANdroid phone. I wouldnt move back now. WP8 is awesome, highly responsive, looks great and shows me information and updates in a great way.

Android just feels dated and old hat compared. I have never owned a iOS device, but I have friends at work who do and who told me they would move to WP8 if they hadnt already brought $200 of applications for iOS. In fact, one of them, a designer (IT designer at the company) said iOS was stale and un-innovitive.


Mar 17, 2010
[citation][nom]safcmanfr[/nom]Just moved to a Lumia 920 from an ANdroid phone. I wouldnt move back now. WP8 is awesome, highly responsive, looks great and shows me information and updates in a great way. Android just feels dated and old hat compared. I have never owned a iOS device, but I have friends at work who do and who told me they would move to WP8 if they hadnt already brought $200 of applications for iOS. In fact, one of them, a designer (IT designer at the company) said iOS was stale and un-innovitive.[/citation]
iOS is just really really boring. Like your friend, the only reason I keep my iPad3 is for the apps I've spent money on. I had an iPhone, then switched to a sammy galaxy after 3 months (about the same time WP7 came out). I bought an HD7 to 'play with' and immediately I ditched the android. I'm waiting impatiently for the 920 to become available unlocked (and with no telco logos) in my area.
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