Jul 16, 2024
i did timespy on the 3dmark demo and i noticed that my score (13833) was a fair bit lower than the average (14631) for a 5600x and 7700 xt. i have done a passmark benchmark and i got a score of 20k for my cpu, the average score according to their website is 21k and about 2 years ago i did a passmark benchmark and got 22k on the same cpu. in cinebench r23 it got 9410 on multi core and 1302 on single core whereas my friend's 5600 got 11300 multi and 1500 single.

is there anything i can do to try and fix this?


Either the issue is software or hardware.

If software (most likely), clean Win install would get rid of bloatware and malware, that may hog your system resources. But before wiping it, you can easily test it.

Namely, run Cinebench when booted into Safe Mode and look if your score did improve. If it did, issue is with 3rd party apps, that are disabled when using Safe Mode.

When score doesn't improve even when benching in Safe Mode, issue most likely is hardware.
Speaking of hardware;
PSU make and model (or part number) is? Also, how old the PSU is, and was the PSU bought new or used/refurbished?

There are no hardware "fixes". Only fix is component replacement.
Jul 16, 2024
Either the issue is software or hardware.

If software (most likely), clean Win install would get rid of bloatware and malware, that may hog your system resources. But before wiping it, you can easily test it.

Namely, run Cinebench when booted into Safe Mode and look if your score did improve. If it did, issue is with 3rd party apps, that are disabled when using Safe Mode.

When score doesn't improve even when benching in Safe Mode, issue most likely is hardware.
Speaking of hardware;
PSU make and model (or part number) is? Also, how old the PSU is, and was the PSU bought new or used/refurbished?

There are no hardware "fixes". Only fix is component replacement.
how do i boot into safe mode?

I've got an evga 650 bq which I bought new around about a year or two ago


how do i boot into safe mode?
Full guide with 3 methods here,
link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us...4-1ce4-b3e5e56fe234#WindowsVersion=Windows_11

I've got an evga 650 bq
That's a low quality PSU.

Thing with PSUs is, that they aren't created equal. Instead, they can be classified into 5 tiers: crap, low, mediocre, good and great quality.
The worse the PSU build quality is - the higher the chance that PSU feeds out of spec voltages to the hardware, damaging them over time (and reducing their performance). And also the higher the chance of PSU going "pop" and frying everything it is connected to, aka your whole PC.

Since PSU powers everything, it is the most important component inside the PC.

At this point, you either have software issue, OR when no software issue is seen, then most likely your cheap PSU has damaged your CPU over time, thus reducing it's performance.

For 2nd opinion about your PSU, look it from PSU tier list,
link: https://forums.tomshardware.com/thr...er-list-rev-14-8-final-update-jul-21.3624094/

You'll find yours under Tier C. While what i'm personally using and also suggesting for everyone to use, would be anything from Tier A.
(Btw, my PSUs are 2x Seasonic PRIME TX-650 and 1x Seasonic Focus PX-550.)