Question My CPU overclocking menu is locked in BIOS?


Jan 4, 2021
I recently installed an i7-870 and went to Advanced BIOS to overclock it. However, it was locked? Here is an image. Also, is 65 degrees Celsius for web browsing, etc bad for my CPU? I want to know in case I applied my thermal paste incorrectly. Also, when I open CPU-Z, it says I have only 2 cores and 4 threads when it should be 4 cores and 8 threads?


prebuild don't usually allow oc.
latest CPU-Z?
using a different cpu cooler then the old one for the i5-650?
If prebuilds disallow overclocking, how can I potentially bypass this lock?
I fixed the 2 cores, 4 threads issue.
I've purchased and am now waiting for delivery of a Deepcool GAMMAXX 400 to compensate for my i7-870's heat.