Question My new pc runs normal but crashes when i paly Games

Jun 8, 2019
I Have recently upgraded my pc to Ryzen 3 1300x , gtx 1660 ,8 gb ddr4 ram and using psu of cooler master 600w
The game crashes within 5 to 15 min of game play.
it does not have any overheating issue i formated the windows and using the latest driver but this also did not helped me out .
I'd really check the windows event log for clues as to what might be triggering the crashes. You could also try running with all non-MS services disabled to see if that has any impact this includes disabling any AV software you might be running on the system. Also if you're running any kind of OC restore to default settings and test.
I could be the psu, but typically a psu problem will cause more then application crashes alone. You could try removing your video card and running on the onboard video to see if that resolves the issue. If it does then that makes a faulty psu more likely, but at that point you'd also have to look at the video card itself.
When you took the video card out of the system did you notice any post beeps or codes? If you see windows loading but nothing afterwords try booting into safe mode or doing system restore. Simply removing the video card and reinstalling it shouldn't cause it to stop working assuming everything is reconnected properly.
My asus prime a320k motherbord is silent no bootup beeps in it. I just removed the v.card and start it the windows loading does not appear on the monitor but when i inserted the v. card it appears.
Ok, well seeing as that troubleshooting step failed I think it is important to go back to the windows logs and see what it says about the application(game) crashes. If it is faulting something related to the video card then it might be prudent to run some stress tests on the system to try to determine if the issue is more likely the video card or the psu. I'm going to assume you don't have known good hardware to test with.
You said you upgraded, so I assume it's not a fresh new build and you're using the same Windows install that you had before changing hardware? It's not uncommon for leftovers from previous drivers to cause problems. What hardware were you using before upgrading?

Try display driver uninstaller and then reinstall your nvidia drivers. If the problem is from chipset or other motherboard drivers then it could be more complicated.
You said you upgraded, so I assume it's not a fresh new build and you're using the same Windows install that you had before changing hardware? It's not uncommon for leftovers from previous drivers to cause problems. What hardware were you using before upgrading?

Try display driver uninstaller and then reinstall your nvidia drivers. If the problem is from chipset or other motherboard drivers then it could be more complicated.
i install a fresh new os in ssd . the only component is from my old pc is my hard drive which and psu.
the games keeps on crashing.
Ok, well seeing as that troubleshooting step failed I think it is important to go back to the windows logs and see what it says about the application(game) crashes. If it is faulting something related to the video card then it might be prudent to run some stress tests on the system to try to determine if the issue is more likely the video card or the psu. I'm going to assume you don't have known good hardware to test with.
i tested the stress test for 10min for cpu and gpu both running at 100% usage nothing crashed everything was fine but the games still crashes.
so what should i do next. plz help
When you say it was having fault in it, was the ram faulty or was there an issue with compatibility? Friend of mine is running in to the same issue.
ram was faulty no compatibility issue the ram i purchased was 3000mzh but was showing just 1066mzh on the system setting . just try to replace the ram and check whether working or not .
See when i run the game it just closes the game without any warning or any system error.