Question My new RTX 4090 is underperforming ?

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Feb 7, 2021
Hey! I just upgraded to a GV-N4090WF3-24GD/F2/0E5A and I can't get my card to pull more power then 140W in games.

My setup is the following:
cpu: AMD 7950X stock (-0.1V offset)
gpu: Gigabyte rtx 4090 24gb
psu: brand new Seasonic Vertex GX-1000 Gold
cpu cooler: arctic freezer 360 aio
RAM: 2x16gb DDR5 6000mhz
os: win 10 64bit
monitors: G7 samsung 1440p 240hz / benQ 1080p 240hz / samsung generic 1080p 60hz

Things I've done so far

Checked the connectors, run furmark v2 , I also ran Usebernchmark Checked the power options everything is set to prefer max power or performance,
Benchmarks and stress tests seem fine it behaves as expected. I ran a BIOS update on the mobo, it didnt solve anything. I made sure I am on PCIE gen 4 on the mobo x16 slot closest to the CPU, I also made sure the gpu is in OC mode on the gpu itself and I uninstalled afterburner and rivatuner, used DDU in safe mode to uninstall my previous AMD drivers and I re-installed Nvidias drivers. I need help I'm desperate lmao haha. I have XMP enabled. I switched from a 7900XTX because I wanted to avoid the instability issues it caused in video editing software but now my gaming experience went to [expletive deleted]

I get 130fps in THE FINALS instead of 260 with my GPU going at 140watts in 1440P no DLLS no Raytracing nothing fancy. =( (also my cpu isnt overheating)
reset the cmos
does it run better without OC/UV? (CPU/GPU)
gpu is stock
gpu behaves the same no matter if the cpu is undervolted or not, my board wont let me push the 7950x any further based on my previous testing its never stable and cool at the same time thats why I went with stock settings and the voltage offset, gonna clear the CMOS now and I'll get back to you, any recommendations regarding windows settings ?
I assume you have used the 12VHPWR cable that came with the PSU?

You may want to double check its fitment, the connector has 4 sense pins and if they are not in there properly, the GPU won't accept higher power levels.
In furmark it goes to 450W so I doubt thats the problem but I'll double check, and yeah I used the one that came with the seasonic psu
Well that is odd.

Does that game have a cache? You may need to clear it. If it doesn't have a direct option, doing something like changing resolution or graphics settings may do it.
Well that is odd.

Does that game have a cache? You may need to clear it. If it doesn't have a direct option, doing something like changing resolution or graphics settings may do it.
nope nothing like that unfortunately, but the GPU behaves like that in every game unfortunately, it doesn't pull enough power for somee reason. it only works as intended in video rendering and benchmarks
Last resort would be a vBIOS flash to see if that does anything. But if it is a new card, I think your best bet would be to RMA it or ask for a replacement.
there's no available vbios for my card unfortunately. f2 is the latest and the only one
You should back up the current one before doing anything.

That depends on why it isn't working really. Could be a different board revision from the vBIOS you downloaded. nvflash has several force commands you could try.

That is why RMA would be preferable to trying to flash it, if something is wrong, and you end up bricking it, then they may not honor it.
You should back up the current one before doing anything.

That depends on why it isn't working really. Could be a different board revision from the vBIOS you downloaded. nvflash has several force commands you could try.

That is why RMA would be preferable to trying to flash it, if something is wrong, and you end up bricking it, then they may not honor it.
I flashed it to the same bios and it didnt solve anything it works exactly the same way
I'm running out of ideas. Aside from game settings or Nvidia control panel performance settings limiting the GPU in some way, nothing else comes to mind.

V-Sync, G-Sync, and FreeSync being on can certainly have an effect. Something silly like upscaling from a lower resolution might make the GPU not do a whole lot.

GPU-Z running to show what the perfcap reason is might be of value here.

In your screenshot the GPU is reaching max voltage at least. But why it won't go beyond 200ish watts while gaming is quite strange.
I'm running out of ideas. Aside from game settings or Nvidia control panel performance settings limiting the GPU in some way, nothing else comes to mind.

V-Sync, G-Sync, and FreeSync being on can certainly have an effect. Something silly like upscaling from a lower resolution might make the GPU not do a whole lot.

GPU-Z running to show what the perfcap reason is might be of value here.

In your screenshot the GPU is reaching max voltage at least. But why it won't go beyond 200ish watts while gaming is quite strange.
Yeah Im clueless I tested it with other games like battlefield 2042 and apex legends and I encountered the same issue Its just simply not pulling more then 200W gpu-z power limit is set to 475W Im going to run TimeSpy to see whatsup
Hey bud.
Can you try and benchmark stuff with just one monitor plugged in? (not the 1080p/60Hz one)
(stupid phone dark mode had half your OP in black letters and didn't see most of your original post!)
That seems ok. What about games? (always with just one monitor connected)
No improvement there I tried with one monitor and I can never exceed 200W it mostly stayed around 120 in 1080p and 145 on 1440p single monitor
(Running timespy as we speak)

here are my timespy results
cpu wattage went up to 176W
gpu wattage went up to 445.45W

seems normal, it only happens when I'm in an actual game it seems, can It be something left behind by my 7900XTX drivers even tho I uninstalled everything with DDU in safe mode ?
But the games are running at around 120-140fps
The 60fps was more like a figure of speech. I apologize.
Can you check if you have capped your framerate through the game options or in the nvidia control panel?
Also I assume you have disabled g/vsync options?
Do you have other, more demanding games to benchmark with? Like cyberpunk @ 1440p with pathtracing, to check that the GPU power use will go up.
The 60fps was more like a figure of speech. I apologize.
Can you check if you have capped your framerate through the game options or in the nvidia control panel?
Also I assume you have disabled g/vsync options?
Do you have other, more demanding games to benchmark with? Like cyberpunk @ 1440p with pathtracing, to check that the GPU power use will go up.
G-sync and v-sync is diabled in game settings are set to unlimited + nvidia control panel I have prefer high performance enabled. I have cyberpunk im going to install it just le me know what should I do exactly once I have it up and running
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