When it does clicked noise, a small black square or rectangle showed up to my monitor screen for less than 1 sec, sometimes its a flickering lining, and it Only happened when im using UPS. My UPS is 650Va, my monitor is 24inch SPC. Please help
Thanks for the tips, so does it mean the black squares and rectangles showing up from my screen is because of the UPS is adjusting the incoming electricity or something? Will it affect my monitor or other components?The clicking sound is caused by the constant switching of UPS from online mode to on battery mode or vise versa. This is caused mainly when the input power is dirty/ distorted. You can measure the input voltage to find out the distortion. ... Check whether battery is connected properly and is not dry.
When the UPS switches to use this transformer, an internal relay makes a clicking sound. This is a normal operation of the UPS reacting to too-high, or too-low voltage.
How do I stop my ups from clicking?
Your surge protector may be clicking due to mini surges, known as spikes, from the operation of other electronics device. Running a blender or vacuum cleaner may cause a temporary surge in the electricity to the outlet your surge protector is plugged in to, causing it to click to divert the excess power.
Boost or Trim can last as long or short as the brownout or overvoltage condition lasts. If the clicking becomes frequent, there may be issues with incoming power. Reducing your Back-UPS' input power sensitivity may allow it to operate with less or no audible clicking.
Sourced from the Internet.
Thanks for the tips, so does it mean the black squares and rectangles showing up from my screen is because of the UPS is adjusting the incoming electricity or something? Will it affect my monitor or other components?
Alright ill try, thanks for the tipsBefore you start on the PC you need to find out exactly why the UPS is continuously switching modes and fix that.
Ah okay, thanks for everything bro. its just im scared that my new monitor would be broken 🙁No it won't adversely affect anything. Just gets annoying however get to the source of why the UPS is constantly clicking. Can't help what's on your screen as I haven't encountered that before.