Question My PC is randomly not turning on

May 17, 2020
PC Specs :
Pentium G4560
Asrock H110m
GTX 1050 TI
8GB DDR4 2133
Corsair CV450

Hello, I am having a problem with my pc its randomly not turning on, sometimes its working fine (not shuttingdown randomly, no bsod its completely working fine for 6 hours or more straight in gaming) but all the time all the fans and leds are working but no display and keyboard and mouse doesn't have power or sometimes my pc doesn't have power at all. At first I thought my PSU is the problem then I changed it but I am still having the same problem. I don't know what's the real problem of my pc and I don't want to buy new component that doesn't fix my problem. Anyone can help me?
Asrock H110m is not a a valid model number of any ASRock motherboard.
You may need a BIOS update. Check current version number and compare to that needed for the Kaby Lake Pentium G4560.
Its working fine since I bought it last 2017 and last week I am having a problem randomly not turning on.