Need Advice Regarding Communications / Networking Problem


Apr 9, 2004
Archived from groups: comp.dcom.lans.ethernet (More info?)

I am looking for some advice about accessing internet service and
making it available on a network using minimal resources.

Here is the situation. I work for most of the year in a third world
country. When I am here I stay in a small compound consisting of two
buildings each with 35 rooms (ie: 70 rooms total. They are like two
small hotels). The buildings are separated by about 15 meters. There
are about 30 to 40 people here at any given time.

We have no internet access at the compound. There are only two
telephone lines coming into the compound and the company which runs
the compound is unwilling to rent more lines and a switchboard system
for the rooms due to the high expense. Therefore, dial-up internet
access is not a possibility.

However, the company does have an office about 18 km away (11 miles)
at which they have high speed internet service.

There are technical problems as I see it, these are:

1) How do we connect a server at the compound to high speed internet
service, at minimal cost?
2) How do we make the internet accessible to the people living here
from the server.

I have little knowledge about communications technology but I have got
a few ideas from talking with a few people.

Possible Solutions to Problem 1):

a) It seems like it may be possible to connect a server at the
compound with the server at the office. But I don't know how to do
this. I have thought of a "leased line" using one of the two telephone
lines to the compound and connecting it to the server at the office.
To me it seems like this might be the most feasible solution. However,
I am concerned that this may not give us enough bandwidth for say, 15
people using it at once.

b) Perhaps another possibility is a radio frequency communications
system between the office and the compound (ie: wireless over a long
distance). However, this sounds like it might be expensive.

c) I am aware that there are satellite systems to connect to the
internet. But again I am concerned that, with only one satellite
receiver, the bandwidth wouldn't be high enough.

Possible Solutions to Problem 2):

As I see it there are four possible solutions to this problem.

a) We could use a wireless system for the two buildings from a single
server. The people living here would then simply need to have wireless
capability on computers in their rooms to connect to the server.
However, the buildings are made of concrete. So I am concerned that
the signals may not penetrate into the rooms. Also, I am wondering if
these systems can transmit far enough to cover two separate buildings
with only one server.

b) All the rooms are wired with telephone lines (although they aren't
connected to external lines). So it seems possible that these could be
connected to a single server for both buildings. But the questions I
have are, will the bandwidth be high enough through telephone lines?
Also, how do we get the lines from the building without the server
over to the other building? Do the lines need to be run individually
or should we install a router or something in one building and a
single cable from the router to the server in the other building? The
buildings are a bit old also (about 35 years), so how do we know if
the lines are still in good condition.

c) All of the rooms are wired with coaxial cable television lines
(also not used). So, as with the telephone lines it seems possible
that these could be used to connect to a single server for both
buildings. My questions are the same as with the using the telephone
lines but also, do we need some special hardware to transmit to each
room using a coaxial line?

d) Last possible solution, probably the most expensive, is to wire
each room with new cabling. With this possible solution I wonder, as
with the telephone lines and coaxial cable, if we can do this with a
single server in one building or if we should be installing a router
in the other building and a single cable from the router to the

Any advice on this problem and the possible solutions I have mentioned
would be greatly appreciated by the 100 or so people who stay here and
the staff that work here.

-Jonathan Klein
Archived from groups: comp.dcom.lans.ethernet (More info?)


You didn't indicate what the terrain looks like between your compound
and the office, but if there's a line-of-sight (even using a tower or
pole), you might consider doing wireless with directional antennas
between the compound and the office.

Wireless also sounds like a possibility for within the compound.

I'd suggest that you post your inquiry to the alt.internet.wireless
newsgroup. There are lots of really experience people there, including
many who've done long-distance wireless using directional antennas. If
you're handy, they should even be able to point you to info on building
your own directional antennas to work with off-the-shelf equipment.


Archived from groups: comp.dcom.lans.ethernet (More info?)

Both the office and the compound are within a stones throw of the
coast of the Mediterranean Sea. There are no hills. In case you're
wondering where this is, it is in Libya. The office is in a high-rise
office building in downtown Tripoli and the compound is about 18km
east of downtown, along the coast just outside of Tripoli. The land is
fairly flat between the two locations also.

I believe there is indeed line-of-sight between the compound and the
office building. The only problem is there is often a lot of haze and
fine sand in the air so you can't actually see one location when at
the other location.

Mechanical sturdyness of the equipment will also be an issue if it
sits on the roof as the winds can be quite high coming off the sea

I already posted on alt.internet.wireless. I will check for responses
in a bit.

A home-made thing might be the way to go since we want to keep costs
low. Most of the people at the compound are engineers, although few
are communications experts, but we should have enough technical
knowledge here to put it together.

-Jonathan Klein

ohaya <> wrote in message news:<>...
> Jonathan,
> You didn't indicate what the terrain looks like between your compound
> and the office, but if there's a line-of-sight (even using a tower or
> pole), you might consider doing wireless with directional antennas
> between the compound and the office.
> Wireless also sounds like a possibility for within the compound.
> I'd suggest that you post your inquiry to the alt.internet.wireless
> newsgroup. There are lots of really experience people there, including
> many who've done long-distance wireless using directional antennas. If
> you're handy, they should even be able to point you to info on building
> your own directional antennas to work with off-the-shelf equipment.
> Jim
Archived from groups: comp.dcom.lans.ethernet (More info?)


For some reason, when reading your original post, I had this picture in
my mind of a desert :). Good luck over at alt.internet.wireless. There
are a lot of people over there who are very knowledgeable re. wireless.


Jonathan wrote:
> Both the office and the compound are within a stones throw of the
> coast of the Mediterranean Sea. There are no hills. In case you're
> wondering where this is, it is in Libya. The office is in a high-rise
> office building in downtown Tripoli and the compound is about 18km
> east of downtown, along the coast just outside of Tripoli. The land is
> fairly flat between the two locations also.
> I believe there is indeed line-of-sight between the compound and the
> office building. The only problem is there is often a lot of haze and
> fine sand in the air so you can't actually see one location when at
> the other location.
> Mechanical sturdyness of the equipment will also be an issue if it
> sits on the roof as the winds can be quite high coming off the sea
> sometimes.
> I already posted on alt.internet.wireless. I will check for responses
> in a bit.
> A home-made thing might be the way to go since we want to keep costs
> low. Most of the people at the compound are engineers, although few
> are communications experts, but we should have enough technical
> knowledge here to put it together.
> -Jonathan Klein
> ohaya <> wrote in message news:<>...
> > Jonathan,
> >
> > You didn't indicate what the terrain looks like between your compound
> > and the office, but if there's a line-of-sight (even using a tower or
> > pole), you might consider doing wireless with directional antennas
> > between the compound and the office.
> >
> > Wireless also sounds like a possibility for within the compound.
> >
> > I'd suggest that you post your inquiry to the alt.internet.wireless
> > newsgroup. There are lots of really experience people there, including
> > many who've done long-distance wireless using directional antennas. If
> > you're handy, they should even be able to point you to info on building
> > your own directional antennas to work with off-the-shelf equipment.
> >
> > JMHO.
> >
> > Jim