
Dec 6, 2011
This is my first build and I have started my first boot up. The fans, lights, and opitcal drive power on, but I dont see anything coming on the screen (also no beeps or anything else happens). What should I check for and/or do to ensure a successful boot-up?? Please help.

My mother board = Asus Sabertooth X58
Video card = AMD 6950 VDI ports

Check your video card installation... that motherboard includes no video chipset so the video card should provide the image in vga mode... If the video card has a VGA port use it to connect the monitor while you install the drivers.

The user manual should be included in the CD or see this PDF user guide for the correct installation procedure in Installation Overview

AMD Radeon™ HD 6950/6970


Dec 6, 2011
Thank you!!

Its up and running now.

The boot up did give me a CPU Fan Error message but I check the connections, manual and there is no strange noise or turning from the fans. I installed a Corsair H80 closed liquid cooling unit. Do you have any suggestion for this..??? Please advise if possible. Thank again for the reply.

Please clear that underlined part for me.. "there is no strange turning from the fans"? meaning irregular speed?

If you used the processor pin header on the motherboard and the BIOS detected a different than normal speed (for a regular processor fan), this may be what caused the error message.


Dec 6, 2011
yes that is correct..Irregular speed.

I think you are right. The message kepts showing up on inital boot up. How can I correct the message or keep it from showing up??
The Corsair H80 Liquid CPU Cooler fans run at three predetermined speeds: 1300 RPM (Low Noise), 2000 RPM (Balanced), and 2500 RPM (High Performance)…. Set the speed at the highest (High Performance)... if the error message stops, lower it to 2000RPM.. If the message doesn't stop at 2500rpm make sure you're using the processor fan header on the motherboard.

Another doubt I have is; The Cooler description PDF shows a digital link in image 8... and digital devices require drivers. So did the package include a drivers CD or a download address?


Also take a look in the BIOS and see how it identifies the Corsair Processor Cooler, to see if you can configure it to enabled or disabled, or if you can adjust the fan speeds to make it stop the messages.