Question Need help identifying custom loop tube size, fittings


Aug 28, 2006
this is quite an amateur question but I want to upgrade this loop (done by a shop in 2013) to have a 2nd radiator and actually redo the tubing aso.

I think the tubing is
19,1/12,7mm Tygon E3603 ?

or something like a weird
16mm/10mm Tygon E3603 ?

The 90° angled compression fittings seem to be Alphacool 16mm/10mm ones?

Is that thick tubing size still fashionable? could also go and downgrade to 16/10 and buy new fittings.
Another question would be: If I install another radiator 480mm on the bottom of that 900D case, where would a drain port ideally go? it would have to be above that radiator and then not really fulfilling its purpose as in being able to fully drain no?
Thanks for any helpful tips, never built a loop myself, so quite nervous about taking this one apart.


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You can still find 16/10mm tubing, but I don't know about 19.1/12.7mm, if that is what you were asking.
As for the drain port, you can keep the valve fitting on a tube with a bit of slack, and pull the tube a bit lower than the rad whenever you drain. Alternatively, you can also have just a bit of excess tubing with a fitting on it to attach to the valve fitting, but only when you drain it, and as long as the end of the excess tubing is below the rad, it should work.
Thanks for the reply!

If I redo my loop like below, is that the ideal config for something like this.
And reg. the drain port:
And are you saying I should do a T-valve with a bit of lose tubing on the lower port of that lower radiator?
Question is if that still fits with the power supply sitting there?

Thanks for the reply!

If I redo my loop like below, is that the ideal config for something like this.
And reg. the drain port:
And are you saying I should do a T-valve with a bit of lose tubing on the lower port of that lower radiator?
Question is if that still fits with the power supply sitting there?


Didn't realize you wanted to put the rad in front of the PSU. If you can move the PSU forward, I would suggest that instead and mount the rad to the back. Otherwise, it can work, but since I don't see any mounting points for a rad there, I wouldn't recommend it. If you already can fit a quad thick rad at the top, that's definitely enough for overclocking. Maybe adding dual or single rad at the bottom if you'd like.
reg. 2nd radiator:
I will get a 9900KS and have a 1080Ti, possibly going 3080 once it is out, so I wanted to be really future proof, and also able to finally run the fans with like half RPM to get more everything more quiet.

In my trusty old Corsair 900D there is a mounting railing for a bottom radiator like that, it should fit a 480 radiator if it is not too deep and also keep the Power supply where it is. BUT the in/out ports, hmm I might just reverse them and have them under the pump actually.