Hello, I have been having issues with my Ryzen 2600x and am stuck after trying out what I could find online. Essentially my cpu displays as having all cores stuck at 2200mhz on Ryzen Mastter with temporary spikes up to 3600 (the limit I have set as of now) but appears to drop back down after the edc reaches a high % (usually the edc sits at 25%-30% but then spikes to 85% to 99%). I have tried restoring ryzen master settings to default and using CPUID CPU-Z to verify the issue and it displays the same issues as Ryzen Master. I have never edited my BIOS settings and I have switched the widndows power plan to balanced and tried setting minimum processor state to 5% and the minimum and maximum processor states are at 5% and 100%. I'm really lost here and any assistance would be greatly appreciated as it has greatly affected my systems performance.