Why? Nobody fixes motherboards anymore, maybe a few old timers.

That's like saying you want to become a shoe repairer, or you want to learn to repair printers, it's a dead trade, these things are disposable now.

If you want to learn to repair motherboards, take an electronics class.


You absolutely do not need to know electronics to repair pc's. I proved this to my boos years ago before boards went disposable. Get yourself a copy of Upgrading and repairing PC's. Learn to solder and unsolder/remove components using old boards, youtube has plenty of videos on this. Learn ESD protection and live it!

The hardest part is figuring out which part may be bad so knowing pc's inside and out is vital!
Nobody said you need to know electronics to repair pc's. Repairing pc's and repairing motherboards are two different things. Many of us can repair a pc, but wouldn't waste our time repairing a motherbaord.

It's just not worth it anymore for something that is obsolete after it's 3yr warranty is up anyways, it's not even worth what you buy the parts for to fix it.

Like I said, nobody repairs shoe's either, you just throw them away now.