[SOLVED] Nervous to upgrade from win8.1Pro - win10


Jul 14, 2014
Hey Folks,

Been running a home built editing (video/audio) PC on Win8.1 Pro (using start8 to stop the gumby tile thing) for the past 6 years or so and it's just working so so nicely I'm loathe to upgrade it to Win10 but I'm starting to feel like a bit of a dinosaur and finding some software is now being updated and wont work on win8. With 11 coming up I'm thinking that's just gonna get worse.

Win 8.1Pro
Asus z97 pro
32Gb RAM
asus nvidia gtx970
4 x samsung 960/970 SSD (os/apps/cache/store)
1 x samsung M2
2 x 4TB HDD in Raid0 storage

My thought is to get another SSD - clone up my existing Win8 using samsung clone app for safety, then do a Win10 in place upgrade. Replace the Win8 cloned SSD if it all goes pear-shaped.

My concerns are:
  1. The clone doesn't work if I need to go back to 8.1 for some reason (I've previously cloned using Samsung Clone app when increasing size of system drive and all went fine so I'm thinking this is not so much of a worry)
  2. I have application software on a second SSD - whether Win10 upgrade has an issue with this.
  3. Mono is an Asus z97 Pro - I have 2 x HDD in Raid 0 (set in BIOS) - I'll back these up beforehand BUT is win10 gonna break them ?
  4. Win10 forced updates - I sysadmin for a number for a number of users on win10 (another reason for the upgrade thoughts) and man the amount of updates that just keep on coming and then reading the issues that they cause... is there a way to just stop the auto and cherry-pick ?
Think that's the main ones. Would love to hear from any other dinosaurs that got dragged into win10 and don't regret it :)

Much thanks all
You don't mention CPU but rest of system is similar to my last PC and should be fine on Win 10. My last one was on Win 10 almost entire time I used it. its still on 10 now. Maybe not as many drives as you have though.

The Clone should be fine
Specific steps for a successful clone operation:


Verify the actual used space on the current drive is significantly below the size of the new SSD

Download and install Macrium Reflect (or Samsung Data Migration, if a Samsung SSD)

If you are cloning from a SATA drive to PCIe/NVMe, install the relevant driver for this new NVMe/PCIe drive.

Power off

Disconnect ALL drives except the current C and the new SSD

Power up

Run the...
You don't mention CPU but rest of system is similar to my last PC and should be fine on Win 10. My last one was on Win 10 almost entire time I used it. its still on 10 now. Maybe not as many drives as you have though.

The Clone should be fine
Specific steps for a successful clone operation:


Verify the actual used space on the current drive is significantly below the size of the new SSD

Download and install Macrium Reflect (or Samsung Data Migration, if a Samsung SSD)

If you are cloning from a SATA drive to PCIe/NVMe, install the relevant driver for this new NVMe/PCIe drive.

Power off

Disconnect ALL drives except the current C and the new SSD

Power up

Run the Macrium Reflect (or Samsung Data Migration)

Select ALL the partitions on the existing C drive

(Ignore this section if using SDM)

If you are going from a smaller drive to a larger, by default, the target partition size will be the same as the Source. You probably don't want that

You can manipulate the size of the partitions on the target (larger)drive

Click on "Cloned Partition Properties", and you can specifiy the resulting partition size, to even include the whole thing

Click the 'Clone' button

Wait until it is done

When it finishes, power off

Disconnect ALL drives except for the new SSD

This is to allow the system to try to boot from ONLY the SSD

Swap the SATA cables around so that the new drive is connected to the same SATA port as the old drive

Power up, and verify the BIOS boot order

If good, continue the power up

It should boot from the new drive, just like the old drive.

Maybe reboot a time or two, just to make sure.

If it works, and it should, all is good.

Later, reconnect the old drive and wipe all partitions on it.

This will probably require the commandline diskpart function, and the clean command.

Ask questions if anything is unclear.
upgrade will see the applications where they are. It copies the registry so it knows what is where.
I think the RAID will be okay.
Win 10 updates... If you use a new ISO (On another PC, download the Windows 10 media creation tool and use it to make a win 10 installer on USB) then the total number of updates after an install are
  • One Cumulative update
  • Defender updates
  • Driver updates.
  • a few miscellaneous updates. normally .net for instance.
Now depending if you use Defender or not, you may only get 1 update a month. Really hard to deal with there.
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i had a 4690k and a Asus Z97 pro wifi, and win 10 was fine on it. i didn't have any problems with win 10 the 5 years I used PC.

how to boot off USB on your motherboard. IN the BIOS - in the boot menu under advanced settings change the usb mode to full initialization then save and restart. this will enable all usb devices and it will boot from the usb automatically.

I didn't know that trick and used a DVD 1st install.
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My current main system (specs below) is the same as yours, Win 10 Pro.
Zero problems.
Actually, the Win 10 is better than the 8.1 it was previously.

For your questions:
  1. That should work. In fact, that is strongly recommended...always have a fall back when doing any major hardware or software change. Personally, I use Macrium Reflect for this.
  2. Probably not, but maybe.
  3. Probably won't break
  4. The 'problems' with Win 10 updates are either overblown, or user caused. I've had zero issues on any of my systems.

To prep for this, I'd buy one large external HDD.
Macrium Reflect, and do an Image of each drive. All can be stored on that same external, as opposed to a clone.